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 this picture annoys the hell out of me. The bow string is on the wrong side of her arm...
O_O...idiots...its stupid mistakes like this...bla bla bla
Why IS her bow string screwed up? Lazy animators.....When I become a mangaka I never shall make that mistake!
Uh...who the devil really cares about her stupid bow? I like this picture because shes bleeding and is going to die...^-^
man Lord ur mean...GOD DAMN FIX THAT BOW!!!
Save the pic and fix it YOURSELF if it bugs you so much!!!!!
It's SUPPOSED to be like that! That is what heppens sometimes, the bow turns. No mistake in it.
The Bow is supposed to turn like that! I know.. I take Archery at my School in Japan. Sometimes it does it, sometimes it doesn't. [sighs] Okay I'm alright now. Sorry if I sounded a bit mean there.
Yeah, the bow turns when it's done the right away and the arrow is pulled back far enough. It turns because of how much strength is put into the arrow's flight.
The Bow string is sposed to be that way.But I still hate this pic.Kikyo doesn't deserve to die.
The bow turns sometimes when you shoot an arrow, you moron. Anyway I like this because she is dying DIE BITCH!
You guys are so idiotic......  So, yeah. Kikyou's story is sad....and it makes me cry.
Kikyo and Kagome both deserve to be dead. *nod* And yes, bows turn when you put a lot of weight on one end.
Hello When a bow is shot with an arrow with alot of force it causes the bow to do a thing called back flashing and when the arrow is released it causes the bow to fly forward thus makking it be that way in the picture. And no I didn't pull that outta my a$$ I shot archery at one time. Kikyou is the bomb and you are all jealous cause Inu-Yasha is sooooo... still in love with her. You haters.
you all are sooooooooooo wrong kikyo must die like akito!!! swoosh oopps i missed her  o well she going to die even the auther hates her!!shes going to die(do a liitle dance)you go lone wolf and hao-same!!
I agree with Tsukino Usagi, her story is sooo sad
Well, I hate and love Kikyo. I love how she looks and I love her name (sounds somewhat sharper and more intelligent then Kagome because Kagome's name sounds like a bell to me) but I hate her for pinning InuYasha to a tree and for trying to kill Kagome. . .
Thanks! Tiger girl bang! bang! swoosh!! Yah I think I got her!!
Well Kikyo is so cool! As she she sees the shikon jewel shards,and as she has sprital powers like the sacred arrows that can kill any demon!
so does kagome!!kikyoes mean trying to kill kagome!!!
Thanks tiger girl I'm also watching the person who hates Sango other than Kagome Sango is my second fav so how dare they!! I want to know why MIROKUS GIRL!!!
HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT SANGO SHOULD DIE!!! Shes one of my favorite charactors!! How did she even come up in the first place? This is Kikyo time....
why the heck are you talking about sango we're suppose to hate kikyo the damn BITch
Actually, you're supposed to pity Kikyou.  She was just doing her job. I think you're all just ticked because she wants to take InuYasha to Hell...first, remember that Hell in Buddhism is a place of pergatory, not eternal damnation. Kikyou simply goes to Hell...not because she's evil...but to try and erase her past and have her soul start over without any memories.((And it seems to work...if you recall Kagome has NO memories of being Kikyou.)) Sympathy, not hate! Nice picture, very emotional. 5/5.
Go spider_priestess! w]What's up with all the negativity if you hate Kikyou don't ruin it for those who like her. Personally I think she's an awesome character & to all those who think she's an evil bitch I have this to say the only part of herself she still has is the part of who she was when she hated Inuyasha before she died yet still almost every single time she's shown in the series she's not doing evil she's helping people like the sick & injured & even Kagome I wish I were that selfless
Immature Kagome fans...you never see Kikyou fans flaming Kagome pics...gawd, give it a rest -_-
I agree with Rin. You are all jealous because InuYasha wants Kkiyou more so  .
thatz rite kikyou12543 and akizu..i have never seen ne 1 flame kagome b4.... and huh... u can just but out and go talk about that little prissy kagome on HER PICS INSTEAD OF KIKYOU'S!!!
die kikyo die die die die die die die die die diedie die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die dioe die die die die die die die die!!!!!!!!!! kikyos a flippen bitch shes a danm bitch!!!
I thought this area was for Kikyo fans.
 mirokus.:.girl urusei!  Sango-chan is just as cool as Kikyou-sama! And besides I'm Miroku-kun's woman so get use to it! *sighs* Anyway...  This picture is so sad  It's all because of that gay baka bastard, Naraku!  I hate him!  Now HE deserves to die!  *throws Hiraikotsu at Naraku*
Kikyou can Die...Naraku can die...um who else...um...Sesshomaru can die...Kikyou can die and kiyou then kikyou...And then Kikyou! Everyone should hate Kikyou. She tries to kill inyasha...But blame it all on naraku. He started it...And stil kikyou wants to kill inuyasha so he and kikyou can both go to the land of the dead "TOGETHER" like they'll ever. InuYasha's love destiny has already been sealed..InuYasha and Kagome!
Actually I have seen plenty of Kikyou fans flaming Kagome pics. I am a Kag fan, but I understand why Kikyou is the way she is and I pity her. I like her too. She is an awesome character. And to all the Kikyou haters why don't you try dieing and being brought back to life! I imagine you would be a little pissed as well and would want to kill someone too!
What does urusei mean lol. And btw I think Kikyo looks cooler when she's angry  .
Kikyo is the most wonderfull character in the anime. And Kagome is a VERY BAD COPY of Kikyo. Kagome is pitiful jerk!
Kagome is the wannabe. In other words, I HATE HATE HATE KAGOME!
Nyuuuuuu Kikyo is better I'm just sad she had to dye
Not nessesary. Noone had to die! I Love Kakashi, I share your feeling to Kagome.
Woah! Nice STRIKE!! KIKYO!! (oh look blood is leaking!!)
*Shoots an arrow at Kagome* U SUCK KAGOME!!!!
i was looking at the comments at the top about this bow problem and Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi is the 1st to get this problem half right lmao!
u know it's actually possible to shoot an arrow the way she holds it... i think i'll try it 
20 mins later... it works.. but it's so dodgey i can't even aim properly lol  i'm so bad at this
just like all anime now they kick the cool person aside and keep the dumb @$$ whiny chick for us all to suffer.  by the way kikyo is much hotter in the japanese drawn manga (puts kagome to shame always)
Kikyo is a rare japanese beauty!*^.^* Inuyasha should worship this young goddess. Who the hell is Kagome to run up on Kikyo's man dumb trick!!!!!1  You Kikyo haters need to go to her pics and defend her because she getin her ass handed to her. By the way I'm going over there right now to talk about her.
Kikyou is even beautiful when she's getting ready to die. Chibi Joy, you are correct! I love Kikyou, not that way but.... you know what I mean!
akizu what a hypocrite. i see kagome haters going into the poor girls gallery. im glad this bitch died, first of all sehs been dead since the beginning. you people say its true love between her and inuyasha, when most of the time she stupid girl is ignoring him.
kikyo is a awesome and she's much beauty than that bitch kagome!!!
Kikyou haters are immature...la la la...this pic is great....Kagome can't even shoot an arrow properly
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