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O_O .... wow
NO... NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS SUPOSE 2 BE ME AND GAARA!!!! ![Embarassed](images/smiles/icon_redface.gif) LEE!! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY GAARA!!!
you know this is an gaaraxlee ablum ... why dont you try some other gaara ablum
OOH! sexy hehe U need some grls in this album D like I don't know SakuIno Or Tenmari?
If lee got that close to gaara in the show, gaara would probably kill him
yea in the show he is straight but I only wish he and lee were gay because they are so adorable together ... aw well it's just an empty wish
yeah they aren't that bad together!
see someone agrees with me ^^ thank you Kakashi's best friend
I agree to if Gaara has to be with any guy I'd say Lee.
Lee has niples showing :3
and thye arent ugly together .. pretty hot I most say
i never thought i'd say this but...gaara looks.......hot!
see my perv sense are rubbing on you YAY ..... but seriouly this is hot !!
omg!gaaraxlee_101? you are wierd! and i don't even know if you are a boy or a girl.... ![Shocked](images/smiles/icon_eek.gif) i'll say this once. yup. it's hot!!!!!!!
thank you, and why do ppl ask me that, isnt it like easy to tell, thats AM A GIRL ..... hahahaha funny, and does it really matter anyways it is very hot
yup!hey! ![Mad](images/smiles/icon_mad.gif) not really easy to tell....ok. you told me you wre a boy! make up your mind! geeez! and im wierd 2!!!!!!!!
She's a girl! and she likes to be called D
i know she's a girl now! i know she likes to be kalled D! she told me! and i like to be called J or Jac. most likly, im to be called Jac not Jack, but Jac!a.k.a. my initials
Hey I am called J here! and also no need to yell at D!
shit the perv j is here ... jokes ... everyone meet my new friend Jac ^^
ok,J!! and im meaning to yell at D! sorry if i was D! im just....stupid! slow somtimes! i don't catch on quickly in the internet world!(i don't in the real world either, but, i catch on quicker than my friend mickey!^^) sorry if i did yell! just soo confusing!! oh, koolio! another J!hi! and why is your friend j a prev?
..... ok .... am more confused now than I was before O_O
Hi Jac and D I am J a Mega Perv how are you?
.... thats my J ..... -_-":
D did you get the card I sent you?
it didnt work on my computer ... it was sent in my ceo194 acount correct
oh....! hi J the perv! and hi !!!!
hi omg it's been like forever right
I know and this pic is Hawt!
the hottest I just love men lol
it's been a long time!! and this pic is sooo hott! i like boyz cuz there hot, but they break your heart in 10 seconds flat!!!! then you get depressed.....!!!!
thats what you call a teenager .....
ya.......wen i get sad i cutt my wrist....or atempt to.......boyz suck cuz they never give u love or attention! they just use u 4 your body or for your cell phone then break up wiht u!! to day was the longest relationship iv had with ronnie. it was 30sec!!!woohoo!!!! he broke up with my friend in 10 sec!!!! oh ya! go me!! jk! i suck!!!
dont say that, everyone get the same pressure at your age you just shouldnt care about things like that because it's just going to get you depressed and not want to live anymore, dont think of girls, my friend has decided not to get a guy until she finishs school, it's not because she cant get one *because I know she can* she did it for her self, when your time cames you'll find that guy but I doubt that you well find someone at your age ok, just relax and focus on school alright
ok! thank for your words of wissdom! all great gaaraxlee!!!!*bows down*
thank thank ... I can be very smart at times ... but just remember life is against us and we cant loose yet *attacks random ppl called life* WE WELL WIN!!!
u do too much random stuff.....well, so does i! *starts kissing random hott guys* *hugs D!!!!!*
... how did you got from kissing to huging ....... lol *grabs gaara and hugs him*
*grabs gaara from master D and kisses him* gaara: i luv this extra attention from my two faveorite fan gurls!!!! ^^ me: *squeezes master D* i luvs u Master D!! is it ok if i call u Master D or D or boith? i luvs u gaara!!!!
master D .... wow ... I fel powerful *looks ta gaara & faints* .... so much hottines
X3 i love u gaara!! *hugs gaara*^^ how come gaaras soooo freakin' hott?
uh....wow lee looks good here but gaara is hotter
Lee's way skinnier than that. Waaaaaay skinnier. He looks anorexic...
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