100_2525.jpg 368x555(38KB) POCKY !!!-369 viewssoemone actaully dressed up has a box of pocky at an anime convention....
AdventChildrenCosplay.jpg 648x486(127KB) FFVII-2613 viewsI dont know the names ... I just know Reno's name ^^ ... the guy in red hair
animenorth21.jpg 342x328(21KB) Jack ....-620 viewsfrom POC .... I dont know .... whatever ... <<
d6ef203c.jpg 322x350(21KB) goth girl-689 viewsI want those clothes
DSC03797.jpg 372x399(27KB) POCKY !!!-562 viewsWTF is up with the hair ... it seem ppl at conventions cant do the hair of anime charaters ??
DSC05958.jpg 445x402(29KB) luna and hellsing-821 viewsummmmm .... I like the kitty
DSC05974.jpg 422x549(55KB) Pocky transformer-550 viewsI cant believe these pppl XD
KakasahiCosplay1.jpg 421x371(25KB) female and male kakashi-2772 viewsI just thought they wear awesome thats all
kankyitcahi.jpg 498x405(48KB) Kunkoru and Itachi-570 viewsthe old lady oin the bg is so funny
kirby.jpg 260x400(31KB) Kirby-894 viewsyea ppl actaully dress up sluff like this