attack08_itou.jpg 447x627(123KB) Attack-1011 viewsChiaki Ito in the outfit she wore for the pictures in the CD Attack.
chiaki_ito.jpg 240x180(12KB) Q-879 viewsChiaki Ito's outfit for the song Q.
dragon08_itou.jpg 380x466(41KB) Dragon Fire Ito-1093 viewsChiaki Ito's outfit for the song Dragon Fire.
friday08_itou.jpg 380x466(29KB) Friday Party Ito-999 viewsChiaki Ito's outfit for the song Friday Party.
hurri08_itou.jpg 398x297(82KB) Hurricane Riri, Boston Mari Ito-918 viewsChiaki Ito's outfit for the song Hurricane Riri, Boston Mari.
kirei08_itou.jpg 380x466(43KB) Kirei Sora Ito-862 viewsChiaki Ito's outfit for the song Kirei Sora.
sebkjg08_itou.jpg 395x291(35KB) Kimono Jet Girl Ito-958 viewsChiaki Ito's outfit for the song Kimono Jet Girl.