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cute couple <3
they do make a cute couple but but but but but why does it have to be my man??? oh and dont take this personal but KILL HER KILL HER!!!!!!!!!HINA KIBA 4EVER!!!! hey you should try sasuke and shizue i think they would make a cute couple
*slips in on a banana* eff: wooosh... Nice edit
*slips on banana* hey watch were you put those things... *slips again* ow my but hurts -.-
lol sorry and i know he's not my man i was hyper
Could u ask a little nicer?
Man Katara_hyuga I thought Sakura and Ino were bad but...
kiba: god dam it, Shizue!stop trying to get naruto's ramen!
awwww! lol...its cute...even though shes alittle smaller than him'
please tell me how u do that please?!?!?!
what are you using? Adobe Photot Shop?
MaruMarimaru katsue is downloaded uploded cool check it out type katsue or go to the 4th page when typing in shizue!
awsome and so cute 8D
kiba looks like a monster compared to u....  no offence!!
THATS SO GAY! Thats suppose to be AKAMARU he's peting and I belive thats his fight with Sakon and Ukon. So you ruined a great pic of my Kiba. Congrats. your a faliure.
How can it be "gay" if a boy pets a girl?  Besides, "ruined"?! Marimaru is one of the best editors here! And third: WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD SHE BE A FAILURE JUST BECAUSE HER OC ENDS UP WITH KIBA?! You don't know her as a person at all, so stop calling her like that! That's SO immature, seriously! -.- Immature and just plain rude.
ty talee hyro!  so true
I know! so SHUT UP U A**HOLE!!!!
this is not failure this is the perfect picture every thing on this pic is GREAT. G-R-E-A-T
KibaInuzukaisMINE I Agree with you! All Mari dose is trace pics!
I do draw go to my photobucket see my drawings then come back. Thxs everyone ^^
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