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Neji and TenTen 212.jpg

Neji and TenTen 212.jpg
A NejiTen date-8643 views4 comments
Neji and TenTen 214.jpg

Neji and TenTen 214.jpg
The fight with Kisame-6075 viewsXD I'm sure that's exactly what Neji saw.2 comments
Neji and TenTen 215.jpg

Neji and TenTen 215.jpg
Go TenTen-2376 viewsXD I love Neji's face.2 comments
Neji and TenTen 216.jpg

Neji and TenTen 216.jpg
8D Love-3912 views2 comments
Neji and TenTen 217.jpg

Neji and TenTen 217.jpg
Angst, much?-2675 views:pushes their heads together:
Neji and TenTen 219.jpg

Neji and TenTen 219.jpg
The Water prison scene-8277 viewsWhen saw this in Shippuden, I went to NejiTen heaven.^^4 comments
Neji and TenTen 220.jpg

Neji and TenTen 220.jpg
"I wish this could go on forever"-8096 views^^ I forget which song the title is from.^^;3 comments
Neji and TenTen 221.jpg

Neji and TenTen 221.jpg
NejiTen wallpaper-4128 views
Neji and TenTen 232.png

Neji and TenTen 232.png
Partners-1553 viewsDamn straight!
:has been watching too much Naruto Abridged:
Neji and TenTen 233.jpg

Neji and TenTen 233.jpg
^^-3271 views2 comments
Neji and TenTen 238.jpg

Neji and TenTen 238.jpg
Kissy Kissy-3448 views^^ Yay!2 comments
Neji and TenTen 240.jpg

Neji and TenTen 240.jpg
School Time-3251 viewsXD Cute!3 comments
Neji and TenTen 243.jpg

Neji and TenTen 243.jpg
Fireworks-5640 viewsXD Double meanings pwn.
Neji and TenTen 247.jpg

Neji and TenTen 247.jpg
An intimate moment-12946 views...which is about to be interrupted.
^^; Gai and Lee will shower them with youth.O.o
Neji and TenTen.jpg

Neji and TenTen.jpg
My favourite Couple.-2235 viewsI love NejiTen! It's my favourite!
If you don't like NejiTen, keep your mouths shut.
15 pictures on 1 page(s)

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