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cool i love
yw ^.^
i love do u mind if i have it
you may have it ^.^ i just have a question *cough nervously* r u a guy or a girl?
girl and thanks why do u ask
idk *cough* y Rkun *cough* wanted 2 ask*glares at Kaze* anyway, my lovely Rkun, may i use? oh and Sophie wants 2 know if ur gonna still help w/ the web. btw wat bout Emo love?
Anna! ehh sometimes i just want to know... *laugh nervously* i was a little unsure, and i didn't want to call u the wrong gender and be embarassed by it ^.^" and i will help w/t the website anna, emo-chan's mom did really set up cameras... she managed to get on once i thinks
lol Rkun! danm it.....but, will my Emo love get a account?
she has an account...
no my lovely......will she getta account on our web.?
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