a-horrible-situation.jpg 640x480(55KB) A Horrible Situation-5446 viewsItachi was attacked by Ataru, the poison master. Ataru cut his face giving him his itachi mark. Then he shoved two kuani through itachi's hands and pinned him to the branch he's on, cut his legs and arms, kicked his head and neck around and stepped on his back, and then shoved four kunai into his back. He was then eaten by Kuroi (black and red thing). That's when Haruko and Rikyuu showed up. Rikyuu tried to fight Kuroi but she got around and Haruko protected Itachi. Resulting in Kuroi's claws cutting her...
aika-and-akio.jpg 428x545(35KB) Aika Uzumaki and Akio Uchiha-7342 viewsThese two fight more than Naruto and Sasuke. Aika is the daughter of Naruto and my OC Kat and Akio is one of my SasuSaku kids. That's all. :3
chochi,-shikari,-sara.jpg 640x480(50KB) Chochi, Shikari, and Sara-3135 viewsChochi is Chouji and some woman's son and Choken's older brother
Shikari is Shikamaru and Ino's daughter and the older sister of Inomaru, Shikaniku, Inori and Inoki
Sara is Sasuke and Sakura's daughter and theolder sister of Akio, Aijou and Itachi
First time editing Chochi and Shikari. I love Shikari's hair. :3
fireworks.jpg 573x763(117KB) Kayou, Naruto, Jiraiya, Yoko, Kairi and Tenma-6484 viewsKayou- Sakura
Yoko- Tsunade
Kairi- Shizune
Tenma- Tonton
They're enjoying the fireworks like the "family" they are. lol
how-to-make-our-potion-ita2~0.png 973x721(273KB) Healing w/ Bruises-4241 viewsHaruko is trying to teach Itachi how to make a special potion her family can make that helps heal you. this is after the "Horrible Situation". You can see how badly Itachi got hurt by the bandages. Poor guy.
Inoki, Emiko, Ken, Ichigo, Gai, Shikamiku, Chojo, KEnnon.jpg 600x400(215KB) Inoki, Emiko, Ken, Ichigo, Shikaniku, Choken, Kennon-4778 viewsAgainst the wall: Emiko and Inoki, From left to right: Kenjitsu Hatake, Ichigo Uzumaki, Shikaniku Nara, Choken Akimichi, Kennon
I'm not exactly sure what happened here. Use your imagination and think of something. XP
Inori VS. Haruko.jpg 640x480(91KB) Inori VS. Haruko-2272 viewsInori Nara versed Haruko Hanami in the first part of the Chuunin Exams. Haruko won and Inori lost. No surprise since Haruko is obviously the supierior one.
Inori= ShikaIno
Haruko= OCHarubaruxOCHinadori
my-rp-charas.jpg 1024x768(176KB) Pain in The Rear XP-2855 viewsThis was absolutly a pain in the rear to do. It took me longer than the Itachi edit did. Meaning it took longer than FOREVER. Be nice about it. The characters names are on them. These are my rp characters at NinjapouncexXx's rp site. That's all I have to say.
naruto_groups0506.jpg 500x359(117KB) Some of the Next Generation-22390 viewsJust a few Next Generation Naruto Spawn XP. Starting from the blue and blonde haired kid to the right.
Tetsuya Uzumaki, Sabaku no Otome, Hinatako Hyuuga-Inuzuka, Sabaku no Sado, Rock Gai. (Kankuro looking one than to left) Sabaku no Sunao, Ichigo Uzumaki, Emiko Kaiken, Itachi Uchiha, Inori Nara, Choken Akimichi. (then in front) Ryuura Hyuuga, Koga Hyuuga-Inuzuka and Gintamaru (puppy)
Most of then are CharaOC. Emiko=OCxOC, Gai=LeeTen, Hinatako and Koga=KibaHina, Itachi=SasuSaku, Inori=ShikaIno