05.jpg 350x622(38KB) kasumi od doa-3834 viewsthis is kasumi from the dead or alive series. she is a run away shinobi(aka a missing nin) from the tenjimon clan. she isnt in my main fanfic as of yet but that could change. so is so hot though i had to put her on my gallery.*noise bleeds and i pass out breifly*
1106146357_l.jpg 281x400(23KB) my cousin matt-3299 viewsi know its supposed to be sasuke but bare with me. my cousin was a uchiha surviver born out side the village. his grandparents left the village when his dad was just an infent. he eventualy found out the truth and received training from his dad before going to konoha. he is now an acting member of sadf. (special anti-fiend defense force) they fight org.13,hollows,and even akatsuki.
112059-20051011220617.jpg 340x255(19KB) kazuma of scryd-2441 viewsnice wall paper. who ever did it gets a 3/5. hey jin this one is for u. cool huh.
112471441_l.jpg 400x471(23KB) matt after time skip-3985 viewsthis is matt after the first time skip. he is now 17 and is way stronger. he has mastered his burning chidori and has even created a new baku chidori( burst thousand birds) props to whoever did this pic and the previous one to.
1141499155_sjobsboxer.jpg 731x548(49KB) younger tifa-4772 viewsi found this pic and thought it looked cool. dont know who she is or what seires she is from either. in my fanfic this is tifa from ffVII when she was younger. this happens during a flash back where she was still training with zangan from ff7 as well.
1163965602186.jpg 350x524(29KB) ino looks hot!?!-3697 viewsthis pic is of course ino after the time skip. whoever did this pic gets triple props. it may be me but she looks a little chubby. probably just my imagination though. hot regardless though.
153679-20070111202939.jpg 340x255(18KB) renji bankai vs. ichigo bankai-8732 viewsthis is ichigo and renji from bleach fighting with thier bankais. dont know when this is going to happen in my fanfic but it will probably be over rukia or during training.
165533.jpg 320x452(28KB) jam rules-3780 viewsjam from guilty gear. yeah baby.
180524-20050712023610.jpg 340x255(12KB) emily from my fanfic-5818 viewsok so this is a chick named tetsuna from an unknown anime. the wall paper looked cool though so i borowed it. in my fanfic emily is zachs little sis and matts cousin. she learns how to use majic but eventualy discovers she has talent to become a soulreaper after training from auron. she later trains with urahara and gains senkai. cant decide if she gets bankai before or after the time skip though. she is 12 now but according to urahara she has the potental to be a captin class soulreaper by 16 years old.
238187-20060906001258~0.jpg 340x255(15KB) another emily pic-3394 viewsthis is a wall paper i found on my otaku. dont know who the character is but she looks cool. in my fanfic this is emily in her soulreaper uniform. only problem is that it isnt black. if only i had photoshop *sighs* any way in my fan fic soulreapers like ichigo and emily dont have to leave their bodies but can instead swich between the phisical plain and spiritual plain at will. thing is they can only use senkai on the physical plain and only a portion of their powers.
2573.jpg 332x400(26KB) wolf form on chat.-2568 viewson chat this is somthing like my wolf form. the only deference is that i have a long strip of red, spikey fur going down my back and on my paws. cool huh. who ever did this pic gets a 3 out of 5.
aeris.jpg 260x800(46KB) aeris/aerith-1898 viewsaerith from kingdom hearts. cool huh
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