0.JPG 251x600(19KB) Alaina Yoroki-1760 viewsName:Alaina Yoroki
Age: 12
Major: Genjutsu
Minor: Taijutsu
Family: Cousin Ino
Attitude: Caring, sweet, fun loving, sometimes shy, and yeah ^_^
She's got a crush on Sasuke and he's got one on her but they do not want to tell each other.
10~0.JPG 241x420(18KB) Alaina Yoroki-913 viewsAlaina getting a little hyper because Sasuke came up to her and asked if she will got to Ichiraku with him. She's all hyper.
11~0.JPG 279x415(30KB) Alaina Yoroki-1065 viewsAlaina got all hyper during class because she thought she was going to go on a mission with Sasuke but it turns out he had to go on it alone. Poor Alaina.
12~0.jpg 640x480(32KB) Alaina Yoroki-1939 viewsAlaina is thinking about Sasuke because they have a date tonight. Oh and yeah Sasuke said that he didn't like her hair long because it reminded him of Ino's hair. So she cut it she likes it a lot better this way too.
13~0.JPG 640x480(33KB) Alaina Yoroki-1206 viewsAlaina receiving a new ribbon to put in her hair from Sasuke. This is when he's asking her out, so she was kinda surprised. I would be too.
1~0.JPG 640x480(37KB) Alaina Yoroki-906 viewsAlaina is hiding behind a bush watching Ino and her team train. This is just when she arrived at Konoha, she's gonna scare the living crap outta Ino. HA HA. But when she was about to jump out and scream "Ino-itoko (cousin)" she saw Ino get a little to mad at Chouji and when Ino was putting him down, Alaina was like "WTF!" As she jumped out and comforted the now close to tears Chouji.
2~0.JPG 631x471(51KB) Alaina Yoroki-1203 viewsThis is Alaina confused from something... I don't really know what. Could you help me with what she is confused about. R+M ^_^
3~0.JPG 411x407(45KB) Alaina Yoroki-2337 viewsAlaina yelling at Sakura and Ino for fighting over Sasuke.
"It's stupid! Why do you fight over one stupid guy?!" Alaina yelled blushing slightly.
"Cause he's cute." Ino and Sakura looked at Alaina weird.
'Got that right.' Alaina thought.
4~0.JPG 640x479(31KB) Alaina Yoroki-1320 viewsAlaina being concerned about Sasuke in the hospital after the preliminaries for the chunin exams. She does know about Sasuke and the curse mark Orochimaru put on him.
5~0.JPG 321x465(37KB) Alaina Yoroki-949 viewsAlaina glaring at Ino as their walking to their training area.
6~0.JPG 640x479(38KB) Alaina Yoroki-927 viewsAlaina has finally proven that she is going out with Sasuke.
7~0.JPG 640x478(33KB) Alaina Yoroki-1259 viewsAlaina is surprised that she has to fight Sasuke for the chunin exams. (my fanfic will be WAY different from the manga/anime)
8~0.JPG 639x396(26KB) Alaina Yoroki-666 viewsJust a pic of Alaina I did
9~0.JPG 304x393(21KB) Alaina Yoroki-1538 viewsAlaina putting her hair up in the forest after she swam in a lake (she had a swimsuit), then brushed her hair.
Alaina and Sasuke.jpg 350x584(23KB) Alaina and Sasuke-1882 viewsYAY I was taking turns with jossie on the computer at her g-ma's and I did this!! YAY!!! ☼_☼ I KICK BUTT!! →.←
Alaina new...0.o.JPG 640x479(39KB) Alaina Yoroki-4135 viewsthis is before she cut her hair. She put it up like this so she could so Sakura what she looks like like this. Oh and she doing the little eye tongue thing because Sasuke had just came up and was like...Wow. Then left.
EE.JPG 497x382(29KB) Ema Torkak-3399 views(I didn't know a last name so it's gonna be Torkak) She's 10 and Emo. She's suicidal. She got caught cutting in the picture. Alaina is her best friend. Ema wants to be liked, but nobody liked her ever since she got the tattoo under her eye. He older sister, Penni (coming soon), was the one who actually did put the tattoo under Ema's eye. Ema is just you're normal emo girl. She doesn't like being touched and she hates everybody especially Penni, cause Penni is "Preppy."
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