Haruka and Nami for hidekijames.JPG 640x480(54KB) Haruka and Nami for hidekijames-1139 viewsHaruka and Nami for hidekijames
I have a little story about your name. Since my real name is Kileen, my kick name is Ki (key) and my sister's boyfriend's name is james she told him to hide me when I was drunk one night. So "Hide Ki James!"
hyuugasakura.JPG 600x400(36KB) hyuugasakura-1290 viewshyuugasakura she's for u and I have a name how about name her after me, Kileen? If not it's ok.
inspired by Hyuuga_Sakura a.JPG 607x1211(68KB) Inspired By...-1437 viewsThis pic was inspired by Hyuuga_Sakura. I was just lookin at pics then I found her's so I decided to create my own using her idea but my colors. ^_^ Please don't get mad at me.
Inspired by Mighty Dragon a.JPG 583x1210(73KB) Inspired by...-1348 viewsInspired by Mighty Dragon. I kinda used ur colors and what not but thanks for the insparation. Don't get mad it looks a little much like yours.
jossiekeshia.JPG 640x476(31KB) jossie_keshia_bff-2019 viewsjossie_keshia_bff Keshia tis for you because I know you have a MEGA crush on Neji way more than me.
Kaeru.JPG 603x1210(73KB) Inspired by...-1527 viewsThis pic was inspired by xXxNinjaPouncexXx.. then I went and did this one. I'm sorry I didn't ask. But it was insparational!!! ^_^
lillium.JPG 640x480(40KB) lillium-743 viewslillium tis a thank you character for Kaiku
Nara Uzumaki Done a.JPG 592x458(37KB) sakuras_angel519-1695 viewsNara Uzumaki. Again, I couldn't help it. :) I hope you like it.
Nara Uzumaki Done.JPG 429x626(38KB) sakuras_angel519-1392 viewsNara Uzumaki, I hope this'll work. I had fun making it. I didn't know if you wanted me to add the wiskers or not so I didn't.
o.0.JPG 640x480(29KB) Inspired by...-2249 viewsThis was inspired by a pic that I found on quizilla, but it wasn't a Naruto pic so I decided to make a young Tsunade pic of her. OMG it's AWESOME!!! plz comment
syruislover.JPG 716x510(49KB) syruislover-839 viewssyruislover you and syrus yaya