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You even posted a picture of your friends on the Internet so everyone on Animegalleries could see them, that is what a true friend would do. It`s nice that you did that Ban-chan...Also, 1ST COMMENT YEAH
They all have long hair...no thanks
I dig guys with long hair, I like Naraku`s hair and Sesshomaru`s hair
I don't..who are they?
They`re characters from an anime called Inuyasha
oh I see
oh and ban-chan said these are not her friends
Since when did Inuyasha have blonde hair? And his sword is missing. Haha! 10th comment.
That sword is badass.
yay 12th! And what in the world are you talking about Shotel?
Just answering from what invadermilk said in 5th comment. BTW, you and milk are now good people in my book.
ohhhh  that's funny! And YAYYY so are you in my book!^-^
Again, I`m very sorry I was mean to you Shotel. I feel terrible about the things I said to you. And you is in my book too.
Thanks milk.
Your welcome
blah....XD Shotel...>_>....
I don't get it -.-''
Byakuya is still cool to me...
who? Bleach...Inuyasha again?
Byakuya= Bleach...again...
I see -.-'
uh yeah hi
yo yo
yo  again
I hit people with yo-yos
I hit people with dead rats
i doubt that ban-chan
*backs away*
I was kiding and I get my new cat to bite people
YEEEE KITTY! *puts handout* BITE ME!!
Aww,I feel so special
*kitty* meow!!!!!!!
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