kazeno-and-otome.jpg 640x464(75KB) The Wrong Ninja-2227 viewsOtome (green) is a girl and Kazeno (brown) in s boy. These two are cousins. Kazeno has some problems because his parents are Temari and Kankuro (aka brother and sister) i was feeing random when i picked the parents on that one. Well Kazeno and Otome are dangerous and some idiot messed with them. He's dead.
no-fun-kazeaki.jpg 965x1110(275KB) Crack Comic-4067 viewsMy sister and I got really bored in North Carolina and this was born. Don't ask.
Boy: Subaku no Kazeno (temakan)
Girl: Akira Rin (oc)
otome.jpg 532x800(60KB) Otome-1058 viewsGaara's daughter Otome. I like this one.
Father: Gaara
Mother: OC Kara
Brother: OC Sado
otomewithfan.jpg 500x333(75KB) Otome and her Fan-1787 viewsRead the title. I was gonna call it "Otome and her Uchiha" (since uchiha means fan) but I thought it was lame. Otome was trained by Temari.
sadootome.jpg 640x480(55KB) Gaara's Children-2648 viewsThese are Gaara's kids, Sado and Otome. Sado means sand and Otome means daughter. They are a GaaOC pairing. The girl's name is Kara made up by my daddy. ^_^