....Maybe if i lay here.....JPG 800x450(23KB) The sharingan spar!!!-4374 viewsIn a sparing match between Haruka and Kakashi, the two knock each other down.
Haruka:(under breath)"outta' breath...."
Kakashi starts to stand up
Haruka:(under breath) "Maybe if I lay here, he'll think i'm dead...."
He begins to walk over to Haruka
Haruka:*sweats* (Yet again, under breath) Or....maybe I could make myself look bigger....."
Kakashi:"That only works with bears!"
Haruka: �well��Are you a bear?�
Kakashi: �Last time I checked, no.�
Haruka: ����� (begins to cry)
Kakashi: (kicks)
Haruka rolls several feet
Haruka: �ow�..�
0 Ichigo Kokoro Haruka Yoshimi Puddentater.jpg 525x700(73KB) Ichigo (shi-chan), Kokoro (who is useing one of my folders), Haruka (me), and Yoshimi (who is also useing a folder)-4064 views2 kunoichi, a creepy priestess, a dark sorceress, and..........uh................Kokoro.
0 moo.JPG 768x432(49KB) Haruka in Konoha! 2-5149 viewsHaruka:"Look at me, I'm Tsunade! I have a huge gambeling debt and i'm scared of blooooood! Blah blah blaaaaah!!! I lost people close to me!!!!!!! Just like everyone elseeeeee!!!!!! I think i'm a guy magnet 'cause I don't wear a braaaaa!!!! Whaaaaa! Everyone has to listion to me because I"M the HOKAGE!!!!!!!! I make rules and stuff and prance around like I own the place!!!"
Haruka:"Blah blah whine!!!!"
Tsunade:"Oh really."
0000Kanata~0.jpg 640x480(37KB) Tenten-3602 viewsTenten:"DINAMIC ENTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!" (i don't care if I spelled it right.)
0000Mini Haruka.JPG 99x99(3KB) Random Haruka-1141 viewsI found this pic of anko and her face looked exactly like the face I give myself when I draw! So I had to edit it and put it up here. Its not that good, but I don't care.
000Haruka cat.JPG 427x600(34KB) Haru-Kitty-4888 viewsI meant to upload this WAAAAAAAAAY sooner......
1175119026_f.jpg 500x373(22KB) Haruka Kanata-1318 viewsThe meaning of life is to live, the meaning of a happy life is to be original, to be yourself, not to depend on material things and always look forward, never back. Live each day as if it were your last. And never forget yourself.
a-nother haruka Kanata pic.JPG 607x464(27KB) Haruka Kanata-1933 viewsI use Ino for this pic (duh) But I did'nt change the outfit because I really like it.....
Akatsuki.png 368x276(111KB) Akatsuki-3469 viewsYes...The Akatsuki...
Amaterasu3.jpg 400x300(38KB) Okami-3062 viewsI like's this pic. One~o~my favs', one~o~my favs'.
Anbu.jpg 659x647(44KB) I want you!-1725 views
angry.JPG 595x1340(92KB) Haruka in Konoha!-3473 viewsThe pic 'splains it's self.......yup....
avatar.JPG 800x599(62KB) Itachi and Haruka (random edit)-3209 views=^.^=
baseball.jpg 441x311(16KB) Baseball!-1768 viewsBaseball!
GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not a runner, so i'd be a pitcher......
Jerry:" And Kanata throws the first pitch.......Theres the swing, and....High fly to right feild!! Its going, going, And its caught by J.D. Drew!!!!!! What an awesome Catch for J.D.!!!!!"
Blah..............jpg 640x480(36KB) Tsunade's speach! (to konoha.....)-3028 viewsTsunade:"Ok, we all know of the danger that we're in. The Akatuski must be brought down! So, I think we need to......I'm sorry......*Turns to Haruka* Will you stop it! This is important!"
Haruka:*stops poking Tsunade with a sharpened stick* " ...............Wha?"
Tsunade:"Anyway, We need to find out wh.........What are you doing now!?"
Haruka:*Puts away marker* "Nothin'......"
Tsunade: �Good. Sorry for all the interruptions, we�ll continue the meeting now. *Under breath* Where was I?�
Haruka: �The part where you stopped being boring�..�
Tsunade: *Sharp glare* �OK! THAT�S IT! SHUTUP AND SIT DOWN BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!�
Haruka: � Ok! = ^.^=� *Sits down*
Tsunade: *takes a couple looks at Haruka to make sure that she is sitting* �Right! The Akatuski! We must find out more! Like, their hideouts, their plans! Stuff like that! And what the hell�s so funny?�
Random nin: �snigger�
Tsunade: �WHAT!?� *Turns to Haruka* �If your doing something��!�
Haruka: *Making faces and talking with the hokage*
Tsunade: �����Ok���.Fine�..� *Hits Haruka and sends her backward* �GET OUT OF MY VILLAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�
Haruka: *sniff* �Ok, Fine! I didn�t want to be in your village anyway!� *Runs out of gate*
Tsunade: �Naruto! Why on gods earth did you bring that woman here!?�
Naruto: �well, madam hokage, It was because she knows where the Akatuski are located���
Tsunade: *Dead glare* �What?�
Naruto: �Its true��..�
Tsunade: �Sigh����..BRING HER BACK HERE AT ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!�
To be continued���.
Chi.jpg 640x480(34KB) Chi-2772 viewsIncase no one knew, I'm a chobits fan.......And I adopted the habit of sayin' Chi a lot when I'm happy or like something.........
chobits047.jpg 551x400(191KB) Chi-2674 viewsI love this pic. I'm gonna draw it and edit it, but i wanted to put it up here first.
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