AidoNaru.jpg 704x600(572KB) Aido Cosplaying as Naruto-2813 viewsStraightforward, Aido is at an anime convention dressed as Naruto and... Hugging collum with a Naruto poster on it... I dunno, maybe it's because he's playing the character on the poster?
Akatsuki Daioh.JPG 768x500(91KB) Akatsuki Daioh edited-4741 viewsI edited Akatsuki Daioh (the original is not mine) to include my character Eri (the girl w/ blue hair where Sasori used to be)
anothereditpic.jpg 720x540(42KB) Eri-Goodbye-907 viewsThis is when Itachi left Konoha to join Akatsuki. He's telling her goodbye and she's not taking it well. Kinda like Sasuke and Sakura. But he promises to come back for her
anothereditsuzume2.jpg 490x375(26KB) Suzume-769 viewsThis is Suzume Uchiha, she is the child of Rin Hakigami and Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura's cousin. She's not very nice and she hates Sakura and Midori for some odd reason.
anothereditsuzumemad.jpg 640x480(38KB) Suzume Angry-875 viewsThis during Suzume and Sakura's fight, Sakura activates the Sharingan for the first time and tells Suzume that she refuses to let Suzume push her around anymore
artbook04.jpg 1000x702(186KB) Hikitsu-3833 viewsIt's Hikitsu from Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden. A shot from the artbook for the videogame Kagami no Miko. It's not mine, I found it on a french website so merci beaucoup!
I like Hikitsu... not as much as Itachi Uchiha, but I like him
editmidosaku.jpg 640x480(41KB) Sakura and Midori older-1297 viewsAgain, Sakura Uchiha and Midori (Haruno I suppose if I really want to be fussy since Deidara doesn't have a last name... family name... or whatever...). (Midori means Green, her eyes are like her mom's, hence her name)
editmidosaku3.jpg 640x480(49KB) Midori and Sakura-kids-1095 viewsThese are two of my newest OCs: Sakura Uchiha and Midori. Sakura is the daughter of Itachi and Eri (another OC) and Midori is the daughter of Sakura Haruno and Deidara. (I like Midori-chan, she's so cute!)
editpic10.jpg 640x480(27KB) Sakura's Sharingan-1090 viewsSakura activates her Sharingan for the first time in her fight against her nasty drama-queen cousin Suzume
editsakusuzu.jpg 640x480(23KB) Sakura vs. Suzume-1422 viewsSakura Uchiha (the daughter of Eri Hakigami and Itachi Uchiha) fighting her cousin Suzume (daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and Rin Hakigami) Suzume taunts Sakura, boasting how she will win out over Sakura who hasn't unlocked the Sharingan yet
eri5.JPG 600x400(27KB) Fighting Back-512 viewsEri, Itachi, and Sasuke were attacked and trapped by rogue ninja, and Eri freed herself by cutting her hair. Now she's fighting back (the ninja knocked Itachi out and are threatening to hurt Sasuke) because they're hurting her friends
eriitachikiss1.JPG 350x800(58KB) Itachi and Eri-1910 viewsYay! I finally found an ItaSaku pic (original found on Deviantart and not mine) with them kissing! So I turned it into Itachi kissing Eri-chan
Eripaint.JPG 640x480(26KB) Eri-612 viewsAgain, this is Eri-chan, a really bad picture of her I did on Paint, but it's ok... I guess... anywho, she's wearing her Akatsuki outfit which she made when she joined to be with Itachi
erishippuden1.jpg 640x480(77KB) Eri Shippuden 2-1535 viewsMy OC Eri in Naruto shippuden again. I revised her character a little, she doesn't have blue hair anymore.
She sees Itachi again for the first time since he tried to capture Naruto 2 1/2 years back
genin dog pile.jpg 640x480(218KB) Dog Pile-3086 viewsTwo teams, six genin, three remaining seats at Ichiraku, need I say more?
Team 13: Eri Hakigami (blue hair), Hana Inuzuka, Itachi Uchiha
Team 17: Sanosuke Kamiya (Green Hair), Gaku Sendai (blond), Hikaru Namikaze (red head)
anybody from Team 17 is up for grabs if anyone wants one
haruka.jpg 355x480(70KB) Haruka Uchiha-3318 viewsI got new photo editing software! In celebration, I actually sat down and created Haruka, my character Sakura's younger sister, I lurve my new software <3
harukaolder.jpg 637x477(123KB) Haruka older-1550 viewsWow, I love how this one came out! Haruka at age 15
Jutsu: Sharingan, Katon jutsus, time jutsus
Her parents: Uchiha Itachi, and Hakigami Eri, my OC
Siblings: Uchiha Sakura (1 year older)
harukaolder2.jpg 640x480(113KB) Down Time-987 viewsHaruka-chan doing her favorite things: clubbing and dancing
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