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he looks like a sweet little child
Yeah, a sweet little child with an arrow in his chest...
could just be the way this paticular picture was colored...pick doen't suit him...
aww so cute... o yea thats the original way he was drwn and colored from the manga
A sweet little child? Yeah, one that was betrayed by his lover and shot in the chest and bound to the Sacred Tree.
w/o the arrow he looks like a little baby sleeping
nooooooooooo! poor inuyasha!
damnit! all narakus fault...he tricked inuyasha and kikyo in hating each other...poor innocent inuyasha
Isn't the Tensaiga the sword which heals ppl (Sesshy's sword!) And tetsaiga Inuyasha sword which actually killes?
kikyo you son of a b****(kicks kikyos a**)
Kikyo gets on my nerves. She'd be cooler if she was less stupid and actually acheived something.
WAKE THE H*** UP!!!!!!!!!!
Poor inu... He looks so peacefully
WHY???? he was so dang cute NOOOOOOO!! ill kill u Kikyo what ever i do, i will avenge Inu Yasha!!
Poor Inu...he looks so sweet...
Inu..... He looks so innocent... all the same- D*** you Kikyo!!!!!!! die for what you did to him!!!!!
inuyasha-sama pls wake upp pls wake up don't die!!!! darm kikyo dis is all of her falt!!!
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