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My sign is the full moon. And its right above his heart...
hotttttttttttttttttttt o so hot!
How Beautiful!!!
This is my favorit IY human pic! I love it!
It's my fave pic as well! Inuyasha kakkoi desu!
This is my favorite pic because it shows that he is bound by the demon powers every night of the moon phases except for the night of the new moon.
I'm speechless
 This is the dreamiest picture of Inuyasha ever!  Absolutely my favourite
this pic is so cool(my favorite one)i think ill print
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexy Inuyasha!!!!!!!!!!
i love thic pic! kawaii!!!!  Inu-Yasha rulez!
soooooo hot sooooooooooo sexy
WHO COULD NOT LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! so hot...*drools*
awww he is so adorable i always dream that instead of kagome its me instead who he loves and am much nicer then kagome and much cuter love ya inuyasha
i want to be Kagome
No you don't Zvaigzdute. Then I wold have to kill you with my katana^-^
Zvaigzdute... I would have to kill you if you become Kagome-chan
Oh God!!!!!!  this is the most beautiful picture about Inu that i ever seen before!!!!!
dude first of all inuyasha is mine and second of all he's meditating damit!
This a awsome inuyasha PIC!they should have this as a poster
Why is meditating & and he is mine  lol.
woah  i think this pic realy looks like a character i have seen b 4..his name is chrono
Gaara: You're to only drool over me, ya got that?! Me: But Inuyasha is so hot in this picture! Gaara:  Me: Please, don't hurt me! I'll be good, I'll be good!!!
InuYasha: -whimpers when he sees all the fangirls, runs away with Tutankhamun leading and jumps behind her on her motorcycle, succesfully escaping the clutches of the mad fan girls as Tutankhamun drives away-
totally so all yall keep ur dirty hands off my inu!!!1*someone pokes him*I SAID KEEP UR HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!! XD...><...*sigh* deep breathes ok i think imm good now.*looks over sees inuyasha wth scared face* omg....hey!*he starts running*get bac here im not that horrible!!!
I have this picture in my InuYasha album and I love it!
That is one of my favorite pictures of Inuyasha.
Fantastic pic you have there! http://www.gorgeousanime.com
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