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what ep is this?
ya, which ep? (that mini skirt taunts me! )
Sota's Brave Confession of Love. Sota wants Inuyasha and him to have a man to man talk, and Sota asks questions which makes Inuyasha nervous, his eye starts to twich, and then Sota practises on Inuyasha to say "I love you", Kagome walks in and she decides she's gonna help Sota ask out a girl, It's an awsome episode
Yeah, I saw that episode!!!! ^^ Funky you're soo F*CKING nasty!!!!!!
OMG, sango-chan u re so rite, he is gd nasty
This pic is funny lol.
Have you ever noticed that when Kagome's home, she usually wears a sort of PJ shirt with "Sham" on it? o_O; Not that I'm perverted, but I've noticed it a lot. Like Goblinhater said, "Spunky!"
She desses like dork. Everytime and everywhere ...And actind like dork too
Sango chan, you really need a good psychic doctor............
It's called a psychiatrist (not sure I spelled right O_o). Or you can come to me and I'll painlessly solve your problem.
i like her style and i guess all her friends dress like dorks, too the skirt is cute and i love the shirt ^^
Maybe if I'm (and everyone else who hates Kagome) luky maybe she'll catch on fire. Or blow up because of those fireworks.
um funky, she alawys has a mini skirt
I hope she gets burned by those flames.............
Ban-chan...I thought you were going to chill on flaming Kagome!? Traitor
I am not a traitor!I just dislike Kagome.And I said I would stop flaming other people, not Kagome!But I'm sorry anyways, okay?
^^ stop FLAMING KAGOME YOU ASSHOLE. Jeez, why do you keep on coming in her gallery -- its not like you cant keep her out of her mind because you know shes better than you. ASSHOLE!!
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