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I remember this episode... it was the one where Naraku had sent a giant Soul collector to finish off Kikyou.. but she stumbled upon Inuyasha, and of course, he saves her... and that's when things get rough between him and Kagome... *sigh*
I remember this also.....-_-
it dont mater how you say her name  kikyo or kikyou is oficial
*bows down to silver hiroki* Finally, someone gets it!!!
I like this pic.Shes soooo cool
you idiots kikyou is another way of spelling her name.
he is right you know i swa it on the ofisal web site lol just go and check for your self
Kikyo is the stupid american way to spell "Kikyo" when in Japan they spell it "Kikyou" yet I seem to prefer Kikyou more xD;; Very kewl pic!
ive noticed sumthing....!!!!!!!, u keep changing ur name cuz last time i replied 2 u u only had five !!!!!...now u have 7 o.O has ne1 else noticed that?? so wat do u keep forgetting ur pass or r u just a complete moron -.-
*thinks about the answer to Priestess_Kikyou's question*..... I know! She's a complete moron! *ding ding* Yay!  I got it right!  What do I win?!?! Oh! And by the way, I agree with Akizu! The American way is so baka just like our president!  When you spell "Kikyou" with the "u" it's just...better!
But we're not in Japan, so we MUST write her name as "Kikyo" that's it. You see, we don't use hiragana or katakana, so we not suppoe to show that last sound in her name is longer. It's japanese grammar not English one.
good god who cares
We all do, to be exact.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr god it kikyo or kikyou both are right
I agree with moonlight vampire kagome
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