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woah!she looks very creepy
 Urusei sweet cake!  No she doesn't! She looks pretty!
She looks ugly.
she so beautiful.......wow.......-drools over pic-
I agree with Sango_Chan, but her faces seems a tad off
Se's awesome. and cute. hurricane_force_winds. not as ugly as kagome.
plz San_mononoke...dont drool...it doesnt look good...lol...hmmph...she is pretty
You Need to Read This: A lot of people have reffered to hell when they talk about Kikyou whether it's she was in hell or she wants Inuyasha to go to hell with her. What you need to understand is that in the Buddist religion [something this anime is based around] Hell is NOT where you go for being evil during your life hell is where ALL souls [w/ the exception of souls that have reached enlightenment] go to be cleansed before they are reborn into this world again[continued on next picture]
kagome kikyo rock
kikyo is elegance in the flesh
Too true and wellspoken ShinseiHimeYuuki! I love Kikyou sama...difficult to believe that kagome is her reincarnation...
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