purlo 001.jpg 848x1184(238KB) purlo-481 viewswell.....no one seems to like purlo the star circus guy and im probably sure im the first one to draw him ^^-
sasukemogeta.jpg 960x1280(228KB) Sasuke and mogeta XD-1032 viewswho dosent know mogeta? the "sort of pikachu"of fruits basket...lol cute
unnamedandpein.jpg 880x816(157KB) unnamed and pein-1332 viewswell ...everybody said that they are naruto's parents. yondaime seal the demon in naruto but never died....he form the akatsuki groups .nobody know that the 4th hokage has a son beacause his mother came from a hated village or something 0_0 she's unnamed maybe because her last name is uzumaki? i dunno ive heard that ...not my best drawing