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symbolizes that anna and yoh will always be together forever... ^^,
this picture is so sad. anna's bandana and yoh's necklace right beside each other is quite depressing.
Yeah, where are they????????????????
maybe they spontaniously combusted
It's part of the the first ending song. I really don't see how this counts as a picture of *Anna*.
i agree ^
.....symbolize a togetherness or ......?????
I think this pic is supossed to be more symolic then anything else.Kinda sad looking though.
it counts as a picture of Anna because it has her bandana and it sybolizes her and Yohs' togetherness. I think it's a sad yet beautiful picture.
This means,that anna died too?
this dosent sit well w/ me...it dosent look right...
No it dosnt mean they died,this is from the ending song of the japanese version.Anna roll's around in the grass and her bandana came off and Yoh took off his necklace and left it there.And it shows this when the ending song is over.
Ye Thats What Happens .Because Igot whole series in japanese subtitled in french so now im taking up french lol
Why in french if you dont speak french?
Where did there sone Hanna come from? This right here or maybe in I think it was Manga #7
Hana I think is no other than the 4 rt reincarnation of Hao posing as Anna and Yohs son when he actually killed em and now is after those that deceived him.
yoh x anna forever
oh man this pic makes me sad *nearly cries*
Opal:hey,M_La when u sed "Anna roll's around in the grass" it sounds kid of dodgey
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