HA!!!!!!  i would be mad at him too!
I bet he did mean it! bad aj!
hi kim...say kim how come you changed back to your old name
very simple,all u have to do is log out of u're other one then put u're the one u want to use
but ive tryd that ones and it dident work..so do you have to join again
well,it works for me
did you have to go to the thing where it sed if you fogot your pass word click here
oh..well ill probally figure it out later but ive bine thanking about it for a while changeing my name to metal mesh or deity boy which one do you like
by not narutnime
that sounds cool but thing is im trying to come up with a name not relatid to anime like the name i have now the boy rfers to a boy or a young man on his way to becomeing a man you know the things that happen in a boys life get it...so im trying to find a good one and its nerode down to those two name metal mesh and deity boy at first i was going for something cute like bubble gum boyo but than thes just popt into my head
why not boyo-san then
...ya know i just thought of something...J was the one that gave that name to me...thats a good name boyo-san...i remember wine J had givein me that name...i liked it..boyo..i liket it
then use the name
yeah...boyo..thanks kim...i remember wine he gave me that name on the first pic a made a friend on...would you like to see kim..
oh sorry my misstake it was actually nik but any way go to the sailormoon gallery and then go to sailor jupiters gallery after you do that go to page 18 and you will see a pic of sailor jupiter with 124 or 123 comments on it i thank and click on it there you will see my araivle to animegalleries and a time wine tasha spoke kind words to me and even nik before you ino kira-chan sakura and even nejilover77 you will see the begining im sorry if i sound a little drimatic but its just its bine so long you
it's ok chillax
ok..so did you see
yup,and that kari slaps u in the head like i do,when u act out of contorl
yeah its as if it was passed down to you isent it
yay...wait is that a good thing
yes its a good thing...isent it amazing how such a beauteful friendship chould turn into something so ugly well actually more like horrerble
are u talking about u and tasha-chan
yup...every bit of our happy friendship...was ripet out like paper in a folder and than thrown into the fire...she ses me as a loser and gives me eyes like a tiger...where is back than she saw me as a friend and showd me eyes of kindness but now...i just fell bitrayd...J nik...they are friends no more they are the dragons which try and bite at me and tasha is the deity which cast me from her land of friendship...our friendshisp is now dirt
wow that's sad  i hope that never happens to us
me to....
.....no she dousent see me as a friend anymore
yea she did this morning she was really nice to u
i guss but...she still does not see me as that...this morning she sed those smileys where lame...there are times wine a person seems nice...but inside they still hate you..
please dont fell sad kim...it makes me sad wine my friends are sad or in pain...
what happend...?
what...but..why.. why would he do that promasess like that should be kept...not broken *hugs*...kim..im sorry that had to happen to you are you ok...i know what it fells like to be hurt...
i dont know if this is what i should say but...the best thing to do is talk to a friend about it and try to get over it...i know it wont be easy...but you will get over it at first you thank you wont..but from what i ones hurd..a day passes and then 2 days and then 6 weeks and after that a month and then a year..and wine you look back on it youll thank...hey..i got over that and am ok...i hope this helps you kim..just a little maybe
no she is not perfect nobody is ever perfect even god him self made a mistake that is what my auntie told me cus do you know what god sed he sed that he rigrets makeing humans that means he is not perfect...that boy is one that can only see what he thanks is perfect wine in reality it is not...i beleave that every one has a flaw...and that girl is no defrint you may wish it but i happens like what happend between me and ino...but thats the way life is unigspectid dont worry kim...
if you ever need anybody to talk to i will listen if ever you have a problem i will do what i can kim...kira-chan and I can help you....kim..i will do what i can
oh i allmost forgot sakura ino G and tasha will be there to help you to....just remember where here to help...  ...im glad you fell a little bit better
 thx alot boyo,looks like today i was the one who needed advise,just like i gave u some
yes...thats true...
oh cool im listaning to a cool 80s song called crush on you by the jets its romantic and cute to...hey kim guss what im a fan of anime from 1987 yup just love stuf like that and anime from the early 90s to the middle 90s i guss thats because i was born in 1992 and most of the anime i saw was blue seed pokemon battle angel and more
but pokemon came out in 1997
yeah i know the 90s i sed i was born in 1992 and to the middle 90s and pokemons bine around since 1994 to so its bine around a long time but i guss since it the anime came in 1997 i guss that makes me a fan of of 1987 to the 90s and the middle 90s and neer the late 90s...huh...
well thats a shock^-^
...ha ha well thats a little emberasing...kim...thank you..what had happend yesterday...i felt like i had cammited an act of great sin...but it was like i was in the rain and you walkt up and gave me your hand and you told me that you would handle it...thanks
 no pro but today u'd help me,u got me over some hot guy,just because some stupid girl he liked more then me,we make an awesome team(does nice post)
no problem...yeah we do
 (hugs boyo)
so what else do u want to talk about
sorry i tuke so long to comment there was a soul that needid my comfurting...i really dont know what we should talk about...
i know who u talked to,a boy's bird died,and u're dog died....
Yes...it was not a pretty site...but im over it now bine over it for a while..well i guss untell now i guss but thats the thing about memaries you never know what is inside them some times love sometimes joy sometimes fear sometimes sadness and sometimes hate...but that is the way mememaries are...mixt amocthions...but nun of these i regret
i'm watching george lopez right now,it's very funny
im listaning to alternative rock music with my big brother
you like alternative rock kim?
what's alternative rock?
ok before you know that do you know what rock is?
yes a gray round thingy
im sorry but thats worng wine i say rock i mean like guiter playing only harder and its very loud to but not all the time...you know what a guiter is right?
yes,i do chillax,i'm just not so good with my english yet
Hello peoples!
oh ok hi kira-chan...ok well anyway rock is like loud music and deep lyrics to and alternative rock is rock music that dont fit the discripcthion of rock music...like defrient sounds to
i listen to japanese rock does that count
hi kira-chan (im crazy)XD yeah that counts alot i listen to it to like asain kung fu ginaration and kool joke
We are all crazy XD Boyo! In that pic of the girl in a yellow shirt, sleeping called: eva_ayanami145.jpg. Read what I commented
i red it...m..my god..  ..how beauteful..T-T
And weirdly enough, he was nicer to me since then
sorry about that my computer was acting weird...i see he is a very thankfull person
really,when i do something nice to my bro,he's never nice to me
That was my nice side ^-^ He also usually hugged me when I was sad. Like, when my pet mouse died
man,u guys are so lucky
well we all have defrient brothers and sisters my brother thanks huging me isent right and he hate to get all sinamintal and hes allways trying to pull off that tuf guy act to
He did the same for me when I had a fever ^-^
so does mine,he always hits me,even if i just say hi,and he never talks
My brother acted tough, but he softened up to me after a while
my brother hardly ever talks to me about his problems and takes my things like he owns them and he keeps saying that im stupid and ses that i dont know what im talking about and he allways gets mad and just thanks im not right because i paint my fainger nails(although i can see why)
Whats wrong with painting fingernails? My dad gets clear coat ^-^
um yeah but no one can tell if hes weairing it..but i wear blue and red if i ever get a red out fit and blue for my blue outfit i wear them based on what i wear get it
Oh....well...my boyfriend colors his nails with permenant marker. But it washes off later XD
u don't want to know about mine
it must be bad i use real fainger nail polish im still wearing it
My boyfriend was....EMO. But he said, since I was dating him, he's turned over a new leaf. He cares....deeply for me.... (blushes)  I gtg to bed. Bye all! (hugs)
how sweet.....good night kira-chan
its ok kim im still here
boyocan i ask u something
sure kim
why do u wear nailpolish?
.....because i like to why do you ask?
not me,i hate it,and hiya tasha-chan
sorry my computer was acting weird...actually tasha i wear fainger nail polish and im a guy
hard to beleave what?
yea i know right
i gotta go to bed c ya
bye...kim....im going to sleep..goodnight tasha...
do you find this funny kim...
Find what funny? Hi ppls!
kira-chan..  ..ii.i..fell sick..like im going to throw up..i want to cry but i cant...i just fell sad...
hiya guys and i was laughing cause u were silent boyo
....Thats discrimination. She's judging you about who you are....thats not fair...This isnt funny Kim.....
Im always right on this kind of thing.....I think what she said was: that you annoy her and say stuff about her that isnt true....somewhere along those lines
....no..thats not true...ive..tryd to be nice to her...i was only standing up for my self...i would never say anything about some one for my own ingoymint th..thats sick and worng...this is my fault...i caused this...so..i deserve this dont i...this is what i get...isent it..
No...you dont deserve this...shes just playing with your mind....like...."him"
NNNOOOO NO NO NO THATS NOT TRUE SHE NOT DOING THAT SHE CANT BE DOING THAT ITS NOT TRUE IT CANT BE TRUE...she cant do that shes not doing that...IT CANT BE TRUE!!!.....it cant be true....but..it is isent it..
Yes....she's just like "him"
 ....but..every thing i sed..i worte her a poem i was so nice to her..she sed..that she would be my bodyguard...she trickt me....she trickt me....shes just like...brandon moore...
Yes....just goes to show....you really cant trust anyone but yourself.....
no...this will s sound silly...but..i.trust all of my friends...i will never turne my back on them...im not that sort of person....i cant just trust..my self...i dont want to be that sort of person...to every ditrust my friends...  ..so..the truth has finally come...how..twisted
i know.....i know all to well.....that a true friend would never say things like that...but something inside of me is saying dont say things like that...its just even though tasha is not a true friend...i dont want to say anything bad about her...you see i wish not to be mean to her even though she has done this...we may not be friends...but i will not say anything nasty about her....
hello tasha...no im sorry but i wont say anything bad to you...tasha
i was hurt by what you sed that you hate boys who wear nail polish...and kira told me that you have bine playing with my head just like brandon moore...and then you araved tasha
I didnt do that though! He asked why you were like this to him, and I remembered you saying that he annoyed you! If it wasnt true, then I read wrong and im sorry!
i see...then i must apologise cus you see i dont like it wine people talk behind my back eather...im sorry..that i talk behind your back...im sure you dident mean it in a bad way..its just wine i hurd you say hate...i just froze in the middle of the night i was crying...for that one word alone can mean so much more than you chould ever imagen tasha...it causes more pain than a hundred words alone...
And that word...is "hate". I personally dont find hate so bad. Im sorry Tasha I should have read the facts
hate can have horrerble effects far worse than you can imagen...cus..hate is what causes discrimanasthion and hate crimes and even things far worse than one has ever seen before...trust me hate is a force that is not to be messed with....tasha..its ok tasha..i forgive you  *hugs*
Bye Tasha! And Boyo: I've dealt with hate....its...really not a bad thing.... 
.... ^-^..well i guss ill be going even though its 4:00pm im very tired...so i guss ill go take a nap....later kira-chan^-^
Bye Boyo ^-^
what just happned
friendship and forgiveniss happend^-^
well thats some kindda hate
i justr read ths..............lot of cryin............o wll none of my business and howdare aj do that!!! id kill him 2!!!!!! hi the boy!
your allways so happy to see me^_^ *hugs* everything between me and chrissi is resolved now^_^, sorry i cant stay i hav homework to do im sorry bye hi uri sorry i cant stay i have homework and besides i have a slow computer so i wouldent be able to talk on this pic sorry guys i gotta go later^___^
kk!!! by!!! hehe i finished mine lol!!!
yea will me and homework don't get along
me niether but im a nerd!!!!!!!1 i have a flippen A-in algebra..........ALGEBRA!!!! OF ALL SUBJECTS!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH IM GONNA EXPLODE IM A NERD!!!!!!!!!!!
hi everyone ^ ^
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