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The fluffy looks rather white in this picture. I like Sesshomaru's kimono in this little prologue part though, it looks very Hawaii-ish
"InuYasha's over there!"
 wow, when did Lord Fluffy get that new kimono?
*Hits kasumi's wind sacr again* i said no! bad! very very bad fangirl! no pet names! baaaada!
liko me shemsha cama!  ! it looks like he is saying "cut"! like he was a hero derrecter.
Some one said cut and the director suddenly lost his head. That was the last shot the camera guy caught before everything went black. ^_^
wait.... somrthing is wrong with that.
Probably the fact that the director wasn't the one who said cut. Of course it makes sense when you know that he wasn't able to speak that day. Sesshoumaru had him in some kind of weird choke hold thingie and it caused the guy too lose his voice... Not that it matters any way. The guy lost his head like half an hour later.
ewwwww...... i mean to get derector blood on your hands ewwww
That's true. It happened to me once and it took me forever to get it off. Don't even get me started on the dry cleaning bill for the outfit I was wearing.
I don't even bother cleaning it off anymore *wearing outfit caked in blood* it's just gonna get dirty again...Michael: *hitting her with a meat cleaver* A/67: i rest my case... *bleeding everywhere*
*Looks at A/67* At this rate you'll be resting in pieces.
Oops there goes my arm...I think you're right...* takes meat cleaver and chucks it out a window* *tapes arm back on* Now you are weaponless...Michael: *punches her and her arm falls off* A/67: argh... *picks up arm and starts whacking Michael with it* Stop trying to hurt me!!! Didn't you take your medicine today?! (medicine falls out of Michael's pocket) A/67: -_-
why dont you just put a shocking coler on him. that way every time he does somthing bad you just push a button(twitches when says bottton) it will show him he does bad.
He...It has no conscience. But...*puts shockey collar on him* Behave. Michael: *takes collar off* A/67: -_-
You could always try going to a shrink. They're suppose to work..... It didn't for me but you never know
your supposed to lock the coller so he cant get it off.
He had a shrink for 15 years...it didn't work -_- *locks collar on him* Michael: *rips at it but it won't come off* A/67: good thing i got the metal one. Now, you will let me hug you and you will not harm me! *hugs him* Michael: *goes to stab her* A/67: NO! *shocks him* Michael: *falls on the floor* A/67: >=)
told you it would work!*pushes button* ahhh music!*hears brother scream* hahaahhahah
I like this...*sitting on Michael's lap* I'm hungry. I want chocolate *ZAP!* *makes Michael feed her chocolate* mmm...dark chocolate! My favorite! Michael: *getting angry*
*LOL* it's good to be back ^_^ i missed u guys stupid mother of mine!!! should have sesshomaru kill her but nooooooo, he still isn't back! grrrr! oh me nad my friend from school came up with a wounderful adjusment to kagome! in the Japanesse puns on my dvd for the 2nd movie they're all speaking in japanesse. get this, kagome's voice sound awsome when it's not in english! if she spoke japaness all the time then we won't have to understand her complaining but we'll actually want to hear her voice! im serious
Hmm..yeah i'd still kill her. *zaps Michael* I want a hug! *makes him hug her* I love this collar ^_^
so do i! *zaps brother from kitchen* my cocolate cake mine! no yours!
*buries her face on his shoulder* mmm...you smell like evil ^_^ *zap* don't be pulling a knife on me! Michael: *twitches with anger*
jiwqbl RUIE qrgui chocolate!
Michael: *about to throw her out a window* A/67: No! Put me DOWN! *zap Zap ZAPPPP!!!!* *screams* Michael: *finally puts her down and convulses on the floor from the shock collar* A/67: ^_^ thank you.
*hits Nikoyasha back* I CAN CALL HIM WHAT EVER THE @!%$@&! I WANT!!!!Lord Fluffy, Lord Fluffy, Lord Fluffy, Lord Fluffy!!!! *gasps for air*
*destroys annoyance* Lord...Fluffy. Such disrespect. *watches Michael convulse*
like when people say bitch..that insulting my mom lord sesshomarus mom and all the other female dogs..
including me I can turn into a dog so keep michael away from me so I wont turn into doggie *pats yuki on the head*
its insulting!
*hisses at the wind scar bitch and stabs a sword through her 4head* DIE!!!....
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