he looks possesed....*hides*
this is so wrong in so many ways......
It was the fan girls fault. Even with all of the slaying there should be some more along in a moment... Fan Girls: We love you Sesshoumaru. Karame: -_-;;; Mindless idiots *starts to leave* I'd get rid of them but Sesshoumaru already looks like he's on destroy mode.
*hides under computer and throws a rabid ferret a few feet away* Save me, Rabidmon!
that doesn't come with an on or off switch either. *hides with Forest-chan*
i dont think he would kill us because we dont trie to hug, kiss, or run him over like the fan girls do. since we have not been crazed like a fan girl i am confident we are safe. luss i can put up a darkness shield.
*other side of portal* You do that and let me know how it goes. Personally I don't care to get killed.... again. I'm starting to run out of avatars.
i am not afraid of dieing im afraid of what i shall miss.
*shakes collie by sholders* don't make me sine you to councling!!!
im ok! stop shaking! (snaps at nikoyasha) no touch collie! collie good dog! collie just have two sides! * sts in corner really pissed off* know one touches collie montoya border!!!!!!!!!! not even friends!!!!
Awww don't be mad. Here have some treats *hands over a huge bag of treats* Oh yeah and this. *gets out a brand new ball* Hope it makes you feel better ^_^
awww....wait....ohh well..awwwww SOO CUTE AND AWSOME!!!!!! so cute
toys and treats!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that picture is soo not cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hes shirtless. Whats not cute about that?
I think collie was talking about the fact that he's covered in blood. Some people might not find that attractive.
blood makes me not able to chase because my legs get all weak and junk.
i agrre whit you he looks like he killed lots of fangirl just to said i am not one of them
i find blood attractive!!! only if it's someone elses and not his.....
*fallls on ground* great i have fallen and cant get up...
O.o FLUFFY GOT BIGGER! *huggles the fluffy* sesshomru: ooookay
shut up
OMG!!!He has a arm,has no shirt on,big flufffy,and totally sexy!!!
sick bitch.....
Woah! He does have two arms! *When the heck did he get that back?* I guess it's a pic of when he got one from Naraku-bocchan.
his fluff thing looks like its smaller,dirty,and staned ...but still he is hot
Oh i remember this! i...accidentally blew up the forest and he was...in it. heh...*tugs shirt collar* The pain he brought upon me after this was quite intense. I still have scars
scars neer go away.
I think I remember that day. If I'm right it was also the day he took InuYasha's arms off. No one knew about it cause it was cut from the show. They actually had to hault production until Inu could get his arms back
Sesshomaru told me to get rid of his arms. So i blew them up...a little too close to Sesshomaru.
I agree oops your not supposed to hear me im talking to myNOW ARMLESS CHEESE SESSHOMARU! (But you can call him bob i call him onni-chan^_^)
hes a what?
feed me seymour!
ewwwwwwww i wonder what my brother tastes like dottty:he tasts like crap.
well when you roll in it i suppose you would also taste like it. i caught him rolling in some crap a couple of days ago. eww..
and he digs up peples graves...
ugh. sick. well i guess i can't judge, i have dug up a fair amount of graves myself. heh. but for good reasons! Michael: *stab* A/67: will you quit doing that?!?!
he does it to see what they look like.
well that is something i never did.. ew. i just sold off any jewelry they had if i needed some quick cash. That was a desparate time... but now i have Michael to buy me things! Yay!!! Michael: ... *stab* A/67: Get a job!!! Freeloader! *kicks Michael out of the house and throws the Want ads in the newspaper at him*
he also hides there bodies and make them into mummies....
I hope Michael isn't just sitting in front of the house and is getting a job...
and they showd me how to make worms eat their brains
*peeks out window* hmm.. i don't see him. *turns around* *STAB!!!!!* GET A JOB!!!!! *kicks him back out of the house*
*gets inside a/67 hoes and locks all the doors* wait how will i get out?!
MMB: sesshomaru, you need a job too. -gets the death glare- oor maybe I should get one...
8just sits deep in depresion*
*shakes collie* snap out of it. A/67 hates emo and loves to use her flamethrower
im so happy cause there is onbly one of me...
Well...Michael did not get a job. Instead he dumped me and ran off... *sits in a corner silently with no expression and no movement*
sing the happy song, im so happy cause theres only one of me, look at my smile im so danm happy other people are jeolous of me, im so so happy i like to sing thios song, ohh im so happy, man i cant do this im not happy screw u.. sing that song
*turns on dimmu borgir cd and screams out the lyrics* As instruments of torture. And leaving no room for sympathy... As all great art is made from suffering.So are we. Good in nature, but evil by our own free will. Incestuously created by the will to kill... Pour free the gifts of grace. And slaughter the entire human race. *continues screaming*
i give up.
life is pointless. we shall all die so why live?
because some people like to live. i don't mind, even in my hateful state. *chews on severed hand*
good enough for me!
hateful state!!!! *sleeps*
i like peanutbutter
I'm so lonely...*sigh*
*brothers music ion the back round:im so lonly all so lonly i have nobody to call my own!* i thought we broke that.
Well let's break it again! >=( I HATE THAT SONG!!! *attacks CD*
*watches as a/67 destroys her brothers music*
*takes whole CD case and tosses it into the bonfire* BURN CRAPPY MUSIC! BURRRRRRN!!!! >=D
don't forget his cd player
*tosses it into the pile* >=) *pokes fire with pointed stick* BURNNNNNN!!!
you are all manic depressive, get some meds.
nevveeeeeerrrr! *starts to sew new mutant*
Those never work. I drained a bottle this morning and I don't feel any differen-*sleeps* -_-..zzzz
*comes out from a pile of bottles* So that's where my damn pills went..... ~shruggs~ oh well ~pokes Albel with a stick~ ... Albel: ZzzZzz
zzz... Evgeni: *ties her to a couch and starts to dig a hole in the floor with a spoon* *trying to build an escape tunnel*
no pillsss!!!!
its amazng she asleep
Wow *stops poking Albel* It really is... hm... I wonder... *pokes A/67 once*
*sprawled on the floor and drooling* ...zzz
*pokes a/67 with a sharpo stick tghats on fire*
*pokes a/67 with a Miroku staff givin to me by my older brother*the perv
ARGH! JUST 10 MORE MINUTES!! *buries face in a pillow and rolls over* Evgeni: *pokes her with hockey stick* (in russian) maybe she's dead. that would be wonderful. Maybe i can finally go home.
*pokes her with jakens staff of two heads*
*starts to drink sake*mmmm sake..........
*gets minyon fredrick* *fredrick sings worse than jaken*
Argh! Stoppit!!! *kicks Collie's leg and covers face with pillow* I'm sleeping! Evgeni: *whacks her over the head with a hockey stick* (in russian) now she's really sleeping. A/67: x_x...
oww that hurt......i give up.
*bloody* Evgeni: *ties her hands behind her back* (in russian) now she can't cling onto me.
*in a puddle of blood on the floor* x_x... Evgeni: ahhh...life is good. (watches TV and eats nachos)
woops I deleted what I was gonna say so I like potatoes thoughthey dont smell like cheeza (thats a relife)
x_x... Evgeni: (uses A/67's body as a footrest) (stretches out and relaxes)
is that how you treat your girlfriend?
Evgeni: hmmm...yes. (nasty feet right on her bloody face) ^_^ I want more nachos.
Evgeni: Ugh. there is nothing on tv... (flipping channels) A/67: x_x...
i think you killed her.
Evgeni: yup... A/67: x_x...
kay where should we have her funneral?
Evgeni: i'm too cheap for that! We'll give her a sailor's funeral! (chucks her into the ocean and watches her get ripped apart by sharks) Rest in peace.
*gets a piece of her flesh and clones a new a/67* there.
I'm BAAAAAAAACK! (dances in) ^_^ Evgeni: wonderful..-_-.
i know is nt it!
Weeeeeee! (still dancing) Evgeni: can i die now?
hey Evgeny do you mind that my brother Envy Elric is vissiting for a few months he does not loike to see ed's face and wishes to live here for a while (and maybe a year or two by that) any way sorry -_- here are some tips 1. do not make eye contact with the humonculi 2. do not get in humonculi's way 3. don t bug humonculi ^_^ trust me!
Evgeni: humon...what? I know she's trying to tell me something! A/67: Maybe it's russian. Evgeni: if it was russian i would understand it. A/67: But what if you're not russian? Evgeni: but i AM russian. A/67:...but what if you're not? Evgeni: -_-.
she says her brother engvi elric is coming and dont get in humanculies way and leave the guy lone.
Evgeni: (in russian) whatever...i can't stand the english language. I can't understand any of you damn americans!!! A/67: say what?
he says he loves you and wants to get married...i think.
Awwww!!! REALLY! (tackle-hugs him) I accept!!! Let's get married now! Evgeni: that's not what i said. A/67: nonsense! Don't get cold feet now lets go!!! (drags him a few feet before he just falls to the ground) Evgeni: I'm not moving. A/67: (tries to drag him but he is too strong) oof! (falls on top of him)
turn into a horse and pull him.
No, cause then i wouldn't have arms to pull him with! Evgeni: just give up! I'm not going! A/67: kay! I'll just marry you here then! (sits on the ground next to him) hi. Evgeni: ...hi.
I want nachos. Evgeni: get me some! A/67: ...kay. (goes and gets nachos) Evgeni: RUN AWAY!!! (flees to Russia to avoid marrying her) A/67: i'm back- Why that tricky no-good JERK! (chases after him) YOU ARE MARRYING ME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!
Evgeni: (hides out in Russia) A/67: I'll never find him now! (pouts)
call him on the cell phone.
Hmmm. (calls him) Evgeni: (in russian) GO AWAY!!!!! (hangs up) A/67: um. i think he said he misses me. I MISS YOU TOOOO!!! (yells in cell phone) I must find him!!! (looks under couch) aww...not here.
*has plamne tickets for everyne to russia* want to go visit him?
O_O YES! Yay!!! (dances) i'm going to russia to see my LURVE and have some funn! (sings)
(runs through Russia terrorizing the country) EVGENIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!????? ^_^ Evgeni: O_O (hides under a rock)
*gets up rwllly high* we will terorize this country till engvi comes out!!!!! *hands a/67 a flamethrower*
hm..well i don't want to burn Russia to the ground..but i still want to have some fun! >=) EVGENIIIIIIIIIII WHERE ARE YOUUUUU!!!! (runs through a house and it collapses) not in here! ^_^ Let's go look at the supermarket! (runs off)
*fallows her*
(follows collie) NOW WE ARE THE NINJAS THAT SAY NI! NI!NI!NI!NI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on Gaara!!!! hurry up stupid! Gaara:>=( You suck!
what the hell are you gaara a tiger a panda or a raccon!??!?!?! your fans must know! *people looking at her like shes a crazy dog* im mean woof!
Evgeniiiiii!!!! (opens a bag of nachos and stuffs them in her face) nope. not in this one. EVGENI! (opens next bag) ...
Lord Sesshomoru! Ummm........I think.........I'll......g...g...go! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH *sprints away*
Where is that idiot... EVGENIII!!!! Come out! And bring nachos! We're out of them! (standing in a mountain of empty nacho bags) ...i feel sick.
cool picture.
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