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this is GENIUS!!!!!!!!GENIUS I TELL U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  IM SOOOOO RATING IT A FIVe!!!!!!!!!!
disturbing...*inner*YES!! I'M RATING IT A FIVE!!
it (...)
thank you thank you i made this for all the sasuke haters
it's AWSOME!!!!
no (...)
i know i know
who did this i'm giving them a candy and ramen certiftate !!
*points to kiki*
yes i did it
here you go....*holds out nothing
where's the candy?
come! she deserves SOMETHUING!! its not nice 2 tease some1 like her....trust me.*flashback* kiki:NARUTO!!!!*kiki punxches nasruto* (naruto isulted her) (...)
? thankn u 4 making this 4 all sasuke haters! I HATE HIM!!! :thinking: this pic is good but disturbing at the same time.....:
. . . . . ok not every one hates sasuke
srry sasukes lil !  i wont say i do....ur right it is disturbuing amanda.....
who's amanda
thats shizuebestfriends name.thats wat i call her and she calls me ashley.....laura....
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