awwww..kibaxnara on a date.jpg 300x420(30KB) kiba_on_a_date_with_nara-1332 viewsnara is on a date with kiba and they went 2 the ramen shop and just r walking and then sit down.plz rate and comment!^.^
babies!!.jpg 865x639(105KB) we r soo cute!!-2243 viewswe r soooooooooooooooooooo cute!!hope u guys like it!!^^plz rate and comment
boomboom.jpg 640x480(25KB) chihiro in action-1462 viewsChihiro: "Destiny freak!"
Chihiro:"Did you take one of my pipe bombs again?"
Chihiro:"You did!"
Neji: "No! I swear!"
**explosion in the distance**someone yells, "Chihiro!"***
Chihiro:"You did! ARRRGG!!! Neji!That's it!"
Neji:"No, please! MOMMY!!!
cheering kina up(narukina).jpg 750x712(72KB) uhh_i_tried_but_cute_narukina-2683 viewsyah,,,just..just ignore thoses gray lines.....*blush*wen i tring 2 get the colors from narutos heafdband and...i dunno somthin happened....plz rate and comment!
chibi kinatara.JPG 160x247(10KB) chibi kinatara-787 viewsawwwww...kawaii!!^^i like this pic!!i hope u peeps do 2!!^^
chibi peeps!^^.jpg 300x300(20KB) chibi peeps-2013 viewslol!!this is cute!!^^kiki!!!dont add urself!!!
chihiro hyuga.jpg 144x192(4KB) chihiro hyuga-686 viewsthis is chhiro...and an easy edit....... i was bored.....plz rate and comment neway!!^^
ChihiroNaraKinatara.JPG 470x480(36KB) me chichi and nara-1006 viewswell i did me(kinatara= middle)chichi did herself(left)and nara did herself(roght)
coloring fun.jpg 600x436(66KB) YAH!-4141 viewssasuke: shuzi(his twin) hinata:chihiro, sakura:kinatara, neji:nara(a girl of course), tenten: kiki, temari: lily. hope u like it guys!
felinaxsasuke.jpg 350x262(14KB) felinaxsasuke-1094 views...i hate sasuke....i cant belive ur sister likes that thing nara and naruto.....of course... ur brilliant nareuto*blush* *blush*anyway...plz rate and comment!
friends_having_fun.jpg 640x480(71KB) shineeda_nara_rolena_daisy_and_kinatara-1961 viewswe r like goofing off!!!!plz rate and comment!!!!^^left 2 right, shineeda, nara uzimaki, rolena(more like shieta), daisy(shineeda's sister), kinatara himeno. srry kiki...they all had long hair.... srry lils....
girls in the root beer float.jpg 300x383(20KB) TOTALLY EASY!!-1866 viewsthis was an easy edit.....kinatara and felind r just 'chillin' out...wen naruto and sasuke come and start doing stuffs...
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