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why didn't you edit it?
i didnt post it. emily did. and it was from another website. people post pics of real chars all the time...wen they dot have thier own.
cant come where? i never said u were stupid...
hey! emily didnt print enough!!her first list u werent invited bcuz there wouldve been 13 pplz!!then my mom said u and liv ould come only bcuz courteny and some 1 else said they couldnt go! that was after emily printed the invitations!!so i told u about it and told my mom to call urs but she didnt!!!!!she was too busy with party preparationS!!!!!SO CHILL!!but u still shouldve come. wat else do u need to other than wen it starts and ends?ABBY IS AWSOMEE!!!!
hmph you could of callrd me like I ASKED you too at lunch yeaterday! and don't say CHILLAX it insults the person you're taling to and it makes it so you talk weird and dumb
i like partys.
RACHEL! U DONT UNDERSTAND! IF U DONT GO TO THE PARTY U DONT GET A PARTY BAG! opps srry....caps was on from my last comment....but still. thats like if i didnt invite someone to my bday party and they were supposed to b they wouldnt get a party bag. and thats like asking 4 1 wen u dont deserve it. party bags are to say thank u 4 coming. but u didnt. huph. 2 bad.
wat was in the party bag?
hi dvia15 so your new here huh, wellcome, hey lilybao i found thousends of smileys but i just found out that there are some that can only be used here and this is all i chould find im very sorry
watiho?how do u do the arrow icon, boyo?
welcome diva15! ^_^ woo hoo i did it! its arrow in the :s. furthermore see?
lolo hi
hi kina girl618 sorry i guss i should have showd you how to do it sorry about that
hiya boyo...
hi kim^-^
so how are u doing^w^
fine and you^-^
i'm good..so what do u wanna talk about
hi peps! {i'm supose to be asleep}
i guss...puppys there really cute but i guss ive talk about puppys alot of times before i guss i just love cute things^-^
not me i have thanksgiving vacation^w^
i have thanks giving vacation to^-^
same here, i sent a stupid email 3 times and every stinkin time somthing went wrong so i think i got it this time. ^o^'
ok i'll check
maybe i should go- my dad might wake up...
yeah maybe you should you dont want to get in trouble
yeah but, i wanna see how the pic turns out...
ok i glot it let me just upload it
but seeing the pic is not worth geting in trouble,the one thing that i have learnd in my 15 years of living is that sometimes you must be tolorent ya know wait for a bit the pic is still going to be here tomarrow so you should probbaly get to bed and geting in trouble with your parents is not a very plesent thing thank of the cansaquensis they will take away your computer to make sure you dont stay up this late again or even ground you so i thank its best if you go to bed
it's worth more than u know boyo...WAY MORE THAN U KNOW!
it's ok, u won't shake me take easly, i'm still stuck on my friends like glue like always, in fact, some peps find it annoying.really i did intend to yell, it's just, people don't think much about a pet dying, they think the owner will be ok, they think it doesn't hurt....they also don't think much about a picture, about the memories it holds, i think i was eight when the picture taken...my granny got a new camrea and wanted to test it out so...
i know what you mean all to well...the pic in the sailor jupiter gallery holds alot of memories to..but now those sweet memories..seem a little un real i guss..but wine ever i go there i get a feeling i guss...
yeah, but the feeling changes, it used to be happiness, now it's sadness and morn..
its the same with me to..wine ever i go to that pic..i feel happy but now there is pain mixt in with it...
hi wats with the face?
i dunno....my sis did that.
that waz her?
yup. she doesn't have an account so there's no difference between us typing except she'll use grammar alot.
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