jakotsu11.jpg 145x109(5KB) Jakotsu-293 viewsJakotsu before he kill's the people that where sent to kill him
jakotsu12.jpg 145x108(3KB) Jakotsu-397 viewsJakotsu kill's suikotsu and take's his jewel shard so that Kikyou doesn't get it and runs off
jakotsu13.jpg 145x108(5KB) Jakotsu-737 viewsJakotsu say's that both inuyasha and Miroku are sexy HAHAHA XD
jakotsu14.jpg 145x109(5KB) Jakotsu-437 viewsJakotsu get's shot by a gun from the people that where sent to kill him
jakotsu15.jpg 145x111(5KB) Jakotsu-299 viewsJakotsu looking at his own blood just before he kill's the people that are trying to kill him
jakotsu16.jpg 145x108(5KB) Jakotsu-323 viewsJakotsu just before he kill's Evryone for shooting him
jakotsu17.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-514 viewsKohaku tell's Jakotsu that he will be facing inuyasha and Jakotsu ask's Kohaku if he is cute. Kohaku tell's Jakotsu that he should deside that for him self and Jakotsu start's thinking of inuyasha
jakotsu18.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-293 viewsJakotsu looking at his brother Bankotsu just before they walk out of the forest when they where Alive the first time
jakotsu19.jpg 145x108(5KB) Jakotsu-301 viewsJakotsu smiling at inuyasha before they start to fight Echother
jakotsu2.jpg 145x108(3KB) Jakotsu-274 viewsJakotsu looking at his brother Bankotsu as he walks by talking about becoming a Mercenarie
jakotsu20.jpg 145x108(5KB) Jakotsu-355 viewsJakotsu just before that Back stabber renkotsu kill's him for his jewel shard
jakotsu21.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-466 viewsJakotsu is talking to renkotsu about how many of the Band of seven are left and say's there are four left. renkotsu tell's Jakotsu that seven take away two is five and Jakotsu start's doing some Math and counting his finger's. i like that episode alot too ^_^
jakotsu22.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-212 viewsJakotsu talking to renkotsu about inuyasha etc.
jakotsu23.jpg 145x109(5KB) Jakotsu-364 viewsJakotsu see's that he is bleeding from the bullet shot and deside's to kill them all
jakotsu24.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-241 viewsJakotsu walking out of the forest with Bankotsu while talking about becoming Merceinarie's
jakotsu25.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-418 viewsJakotsu asking Kohaku if inuyasha is Handsome. Kohaku tell's him that he should deside that for himself
jakotsu26.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-1085 viewsJakotsu thinking of inuyasha and playing with a flower hoping that Genkotsu woln't kill him yet. he will die? he woln't die? he will die? he woln't die!!!!
jakotsu27.jpg 145x108(3KB) Jakotsu-285 viewsJakotsu talking to Bankotsu and say's he thought he hated the army why would you want to join?. Bankotsu says He** no i hate those bast**** and deside's to become a Mercenarie insted
jakotsu28.jpg 145x108(4KB) Jakotsu-400 viewsJakotsu fighting inuyasha in his human state inside the Mounting
jakotsu3.jpg 145x104(3KB) Jakotsu-245 viewsJakotsu without those Design's on his face Ooooo he looks very cute!!! ^_^
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