Anime.JPG 923x585(50KB) Boredness, yet to control me.-778 views
ASD.JPG 502x665(64KB) base 4m.. umm i 4got who but its 4m!-3644 views
Azure.JPG 209x456(17KB) My very old OC-732 viewsi MiSs AzUrE.....
Chibi Masashi.JPG 402x381(22KB) MR-I-DONT-KNOW-1980 views4 MY BRO! REMINDS ME OF mASASHI!!! LOL
dfj.JPG 470x348(16KB) Kanie and Gaara-2700 viewsshe (I think?) doesnt have an account, but this is her OC character, Kanie. and thats all i know about her. ^^
Emiko.JPG 490x375(23KB) Requested fm UryuuIshidaLover00-1447 viewsI hope u like it! I sorta didnt know wat the hair color was^^
fr.JPG 860x689(78KB) i got bored-2096 views(4m left 2 right, top) Serenity, a.k.a ren and Tony. (4m left 2 right, bottom) me, Maichua, Cindy, and Nancy
freinds barrage!.JPG 580x383(50KB) Freinds Barrage!-2483 views*from left to right* Kaminari, my character, Sango my freindsOC, Sasuko also freinds OC, Setsuko, and Mai Lee.
friends.JPG 792x428(34KB) *4m left 2 right* Kaminari, Narin, Sasuko, and Kanie-3844 views
huddle up!.JPG 605x475(44KB) Watz the plan?-1463 viewsits almost their sensei's birthday, so their planning.
ina.JPG 640x480(21KB) random soul reaper-1479 viewsman, i tried doing curls, but it didnt work out-_-...
kakashi; scared.JPG 500x375(22KB) What is it?-1936 viewsback to RP: it is 3 days till their sensei's b-day. so, asking their sencei's old pal, Kakashi, about what their sensei likes. he, just starred at them suspesiously(sp?). he's creeping them out. (mostly Masashi. it looks like hes about 2 cry!lol)
Kami attack!.JPG 1040x780(112KB) scarred u!-1977 views 2 days away, until the b-day, the 3 of them went shopping. Naruto, trying 2 see if he could scare Sasuke, scarred kami! she socked him for scarring her!lol
Kami stand.JPG 490x400(18KB) Kaminari-2091 views i found a pix of tenten, and i liked it, so.. poof! here's Kaminari!
Kami&Neji.JPG 710x509(38KB) Luv!-817 viewsi was bored, lol. it took me 4ever just 2 find th background!^^
kami&Toshi.JPG 580x370(33KB) Someday....-1773 viewsKaminari told Toshi that once Toshi gets stronger, they'll fight, for real
Kami.JPG 640x480(28KB) Guess who?-1860 views
kami.JPG 640x480(35KB) Kaminari-2294 viewsi haven't edited 4 a loooong time...
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