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edit 37.JPG

edit 37.JPG
Introducing.....Haru Hikima!!-3921 views Haru Hikima (First name before last.)
age: around 19 (birthday unknown)
Not much is known about Hikima besides that she is a missing nin from the Village Hidden in the Waterfall. She joined the Akatsuki for unknown reasons and is temporarily teamed with Deidara and Sasori. What is to become of this girl?

(Thank you to whoever drew this picture.)
FF 11.jpg

FF 11.jpg
Ichigo gets.......serious?!? Part 1: Enemies Appear!-3029 viewsCloud decides to investigate an old Mako reactor after a suspicious earthquake occurred in the city surrounding it. Ichigo requests to come along and Cloud (though dreading it) agrees. The two split up to look for any abnormalities around the reactor. Cloud, after finding everything to be in good condition, waits for Ichigo to return with her report.

Cloud:�Hm...what�s taking her so long? She should�ve been back by now....�

Cloud ventures into the forest, following the path that Ichigo took to the reactor.

Cloud:(I hope she�s alright..... I know she�s not THAT stupid.....)

He looks around, searching for any signs of her. Though despite his efforts, she was no where to be found. Cloud then stops to rest against a tree.

Cloud:�If this is one of her jokes, I�m gonna be pissed.......�


Cloud jolts, looking around frantically.


He takes off, dashing in the direction of the voice.

Cloud:�Hey, Ichigo! Where are you?�

I�m right here.......Cloud......


Cloud stops abruptly, his eyes darting around the forest. He then notices Ichigo lying unconscious on the ground, covered in wounds.


He rushes over to her, lifting her off the ground and into his arms.

Cloud:�Ichigo, are you alright?!�

Ichigo doesn�t respond. Cloud lifts her chin, placing two fingers on the left side of her neck. He sighs in relief; she has a pulse.

Cloud:�Hey, Ichigo.....can you hear me? C�mon, wake up.�

Ichigo slowly begins to come around, feeling Cloud�s presence. She groans, her eyes fluttering open and gazing into Cloud�s.

Ichigo:�Hmm......Cloud.....?- Ah!�

Ichigo winced, grabbing her arm.

Ichigo:�Dammit....! I shouldn�t have let my guard down.....�

Cloud:�Huh? What happened?�

Ichigo sat up, pain shooting through her body. She grimaced, trying to stand, only to fall back down. Cloud caught her just before she hit the ground.

Cloud:�Hey, take it easy. I�m surprised that you�re still able to move with wounds like these.�

Ichigo sighed, a look of worthlessness on her face. Cloud noticed, and his expression softened. He then lifted Ichigo up and began to head out of the forest.

Cloud:�C�mon, it�s not safe here. You can tell me what happened once we get back to Edge.�

Ichigo nodded, unable to object.

~To be continued......
ichi 29.PNG

ichi 29.PNG
Kid Ichigo-864 viewsThis is Ichigo, around 10, hiding in her father's shed. Her father made a living from hunting and butchering various kinds of animals. Though, times have been hard, and with Ichigo's mother getting even more ill each day, her father hasn't been able to hunt much. Ichigo finally realizes what she has to do if she wants her mother to live. 1 comments
Ichigo 56.JPG

Ichigo 56.JPG
The Sasuke Retrieval Arc-3092 views Naruto grins and gives Sakura a thumbs up. "It's okay." He said. "I'll bring Sasuke back for sure! That's my promise of a lifetime!"
Sakura looks at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Naruto....thank you..."
Shikamaru gazed at the ground below him, a look of doubt crossing his face, wondering if he can pull this mission off. "C'mon guys. We've lost som time... Let's get cracking."
"Hold on just one more minute!"
The group, who was just about to leave, turned to the source of the voice.
4 pictures on 1 page(s)

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