0000 XD.JPG 950x637(78KB) I remember this episode.... XD-6099 views I almost fainted from lack of air because I was laughing so hard when I saw this. XD It would've been so much funnier if Mello was that guy....
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!.JPG 350x283(15KB) Hey listen....-5328 viewsLink screams at Navi what so many other Zelda fans have wanted to for almost a decade....
Aura.jpg 1275x1650(397KB) Aura-1757 viewsWe had to do this poem poster thing in english and I decided to do the Epitaph of Twilight. (It works....^ ^') I guessed it would be fitting to put a picture of Aura on the poster, no?
Baku-mole.JPG 800x640(55KB) Bakuryu's beast form-1180 viewsBakuryu is the kickin'est mole 'chu will ever see. Normally, I hate moles. But this is the cutest, rabid, blood-thirsty mole I've ever seen. I bet Bakuryu can change anyone's opinion on moles. X3
Bakuryu.JPG 321x511(34KB) Bakuryu-2301 viewsI remember when I was little, my dad would always play as him on Bloody Roar 2 for the playstation. Baku-kun was such a cool mole.... =3
barkie 1.jpg 640x480(26KB) Ichigo�s Profile-5016 viewsName: *mumbled last name* Ichigo
Age: 15-19 (How old IS she?!)
Hobbies: Stealing Naruto�s cheek stripes (Naruto: Hey, dattebayo!), exploding
Specialty: Chuck Whale No Jutsu
barkie 62.jpg 640x480(25KB) The Real Me-3672 viewsI was bored, so I decided to edit my real life self. I used Shizune �cause her hair was closest to mine. (Though mine�s longer....)
barkie 72.JPG 400x500(29KB) The Real Haru Hikima and Haruka Kanata-3358 views Since I edited Shizune to be the real me, I thought it would be funny if I edited Tsunade to be the real Haruka. (She makes fun of me 'cause I have a small chest and she.....well.....she could rival Tsunade.... -.-' *sniff* Jerk.....) I really didn't have much patience when doing this picture. Oh, well. If I cared, it wouldn't be up here.
bike.JPG 925x856(101KB) Akamaru's been dumped.-4425 viewsI was slap happy with the brush palette in photoimpact. Kiba was sooooo asking for it.
bird out of cloak no jutsu!!.png 1290x364(400KB) Tori deharai uwagi no jutsu!!-51 viewsNaruto Shippuden Movie 3: This guy. This ANBU. He just pulled a bird. Out of his cloak. A bird. From his cloak. A flipping bird. WHO DOES THAT?!?
Cascada 2.jpg 1770x1199(890KB) Cascada!-687 viewsYes, she was named after the singer. And she's treated like one, too. She is such a snobby kitty, but I loves her!! She's spoiled rotten...
Cascada.jpg 885x597(314KB) Fuzzy Kitty!!-1767 viewsMuch like Fenway, Cascada has a love for fluffy blankets...my...fluffy blankets....
Chang.JPG 1024x640(123KB) Chang-1035 viewsChang from XS Hybrid. That manga is so neglected...I think its because its Korean..... =^ ^'=
Cloud n Reno.jpg 711x600(37KB) Gift For Haruka .............randomly...........=3-4263 viewsAs you can see, I'm not very gifted when it comes to making elegant character pictures on PhotoImpact......but whatever. I was just messing around with a picture of Reno and decided to make something for Haruka. Reno seems to be her favorite character in FFVII (Haruka: -.o ..........what?) and Cloud's my fav. (Reno: D8( .....!) Though Reno is a close second for me. Or shall Rude upstage him....? DUNDUNDUN!!
Deidara 10.JPG 650x491(18KB) A treacherous beginning!-3542 viewsDeidara:"Haru Hikima....you were the new recruit, un?"
Hikima:"What? Do you have a cold or something?"
Deidara:"Hm? I beg your pardon, un?"
Hikima:"Yeah, there you go again! You said 'un'! Are you feeling okay?"
Deidara:"......... o.O' "
Hikima:"C'mon! No Shukaku hunting for you! It's to bed, Mr.!"
I was bored. :3
Deidara 4.JPG 440x610(56KB) Raspberry Flavored Muffins.....-1802 viewsI was incredibly bored and thought that this was so stupid, that it was worthy of being posted on the internet for all the world to see.
explict XP.JPG 376x600(29KB) CENSOR-1461 viewsWhat? His tunic was riding up too high.... XP
FF 10.JPG 600x332(16KB) Ichigo in Final Fantasy!-6265 viewsCloud:*walks into to bar* �Phew....I�m beat.....�
Tifa:�Oh, hey, Cloud. Welcome home.�
Cloud:�Hey, Tifa. *yawns* I�m gonna go lie down for a bit....�
Tifa:�Alright. I�ll wake you up when dinner�s ready.�
Cloud walks up the steps to his room.
Tifa:�(under breath) Lazy ass.....�
Cloud:*opens bedroom door* Aw...Now time for a nice, long, relaxing.....-eh?�
Cloud sees Ichigo lying on his bed, snoring in her sleep.
Ichigo:*rolls over* �But ociffer....It was the moose, I swear....�
Cloud:�..........*blinks*........Um, Tifa?�
Cloud:�*pokes Ichigo* Why is there a girlish-thing on my bed.....?�
Tifa:�*walks upstairs* Oh. That�s.........Ichigo......She came in here this morning asking to buy a fichus.... Then she passed out in your room....�
Tifa and Cloud grimace, then look at each other.
Cloud:�I�m gonna......go for a drive.....�
Tifa:�Yeah.....you.....you do that.....Please take me with you!!�
Cloud:*already downstairs* �Sorry, Tifa!! I�ve suddenly lost my capability to understand human speech! *drives off*�
FF 6.JPG 720x480(36KB) The Appearance of Haruka!!-5755 viewsTifa:�Hey, um......Ichigo? You mind doing something.....I don�t know.....useful?�
Ichigo:�...........*goes cross-eyed*�
Tifa:�Right......Denzel? Why don�t you get Ichigo out of the house for a while.....�
Denzel:�But Tif-�
Tifa:�GO, Denzel.�
Denzel sighs and grabs Ichigo�s arm, leading her out of the bar.
Ichigo:�Heeheeheehee! Yay, carnival ride!!�
~Later at the Edge city square~
Ichigo:�Again, again!�
Denzel:*sighs, waves string in front of Ichigo*
Ichigo:�Heeheeheehee! *lunges at string*�
Denzel chucks the string into the street and Ichigo dives after it.
Denzel:�Hmm......*looks around, gets up* Now if I can just walk away slowly.....-�
A strange girl pops out of nowhere and tackles Denzel.
?:�*pulls out squid* Gimme all ch�your money!!�
Denzel:�What?! But I don�t have any-�
Ichigo comes back, tied up in the string. She looks at the girl in surprise.
Ichigo:�?.... Haruka?�
The girl looks up at Ichigo, immediately dropping the squid in Denzel�s face and standing up.
Haruka:�Ichigo! So this is where that dimension zipper took ya.�
Ichigo:Yup! You dimension hoppin�, too?�
Haruka:�*nods* Uh-huh!!�
Denzel wipes the squid off of his face and grimaces.
Denzel:�*gets up* Eww....*looks at Ichigo and Haruka* Umm...did I miss something....?�
Haruka:�*blinks* Hey, who�s the kid?�
Ichigo:�Ah, don�t mind him. He�s just some dork.�
Haruka:�Oh, do you know any good restaurants around here? I�m kinda hungry.�
Ichigo:�Oh, yeah! C�mon!�
Ichigo and Haruka walk off, leaving a very confused Denzel behind.
Denzel:�.........I�m not gonna ask.........�
FF 7.JPG 720x480(33KB) Stalker-3557 viewsCloud:�..............*looks around*..................*sighs* Ichigo, I know you�re following me.....�
Ichigo drops the tree branch she was holding.
Ichigo:�Man....I was sure you wouldn�t notice....�
Cloud:�*stare* Uh-huh.....Listen.....Ichigo, just.....leave me alone.�
Ichigo:�*blink* .............What �chu tryin� to say....?�
Cloud:�Um......I think it�s creepy that you�re following me.�
Ichigo:�What�s that? You want me to elope with you?�
Cloud:�What?! No, I didn�t-�
Ichigo:�Wow, Cloud, I�m flattered, really I am. But I�m a married woman....�
Cloud:�Huh? *confused* Who are you married to?�
Cloud stares blankly at Ichigo, extremely confused. Ichigo then giggles insanely, and skips away.
Cloud:�.........*sighs* Tomorrow, I�m moving to Spain.....�
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