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omg this is who yew were talking about! Gomen, i didn;t know about your charcter when i made Kahani! I could change her, but i dunno what color shirts would look good on her. o.O And, i have to keep the hair and eyes cause i have to keep the resembelence to Kurenai.
Nah, don't change your character.....If it wasn't done on purpose, I have no problem with it. I'm just paranoid about people stealing stuff.  Which is strange, because I post pictures. XD Keep Kahani the same; I just wanted to make sure you didn't copy.
Don't worry, I didn't. I didn't even know you until, uhh..3 weeks ago? And I created Kahani about 2 months ago. ^^; Yeah, I am paranoid too, when it comes to similar charcters. o.O And thank you, I like the way Kahani looks now. XD Ichigo is very pretty too!
^^ Ish Ichigo like a cat? O.o I wonderin cause of her whiskers XD
Nah, I just thought they looked cool. They used to be scars, but making them look real was a pain. X3
x3;;; lol XD I thinks they look kewl tew 8D
O.o; I think they look cute
lol XD I gonna go nao for a little bit D: I'm gonna draw sumthin xD
Thank you, Kurai. =^ ^= See ya, Kari. I have to go now, too....My Dad's comin'.
Bye Dx I'll just stay here still 3 in the morning and talk to my coke bottle 8'D
Bye Hikima! =^~^= *Waves like a flapping seagull*
Heehee....coke bottle. X3
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