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Aiko Akemi:"You're an idiot,Onee-san"-1456 viewsAiko Akemi
Aiko is Kazuko's cold heartless younger sister.She has low respect for Kazuko and basically hates her.The reason is partially due to the fact she can never be a ninja because of her poor bronchial tubes.She also hates Kazu because their parents favor her over Aiko because of her weakness.

My poor idea of a screenshot.She is telling Kazu that she is an idiot.I know it's pathetic..but PLEASSSSEE comment?
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Aiko's speech (Part 2):"Onee-san is weak..."-682 viewsAfter coming back from Ichiraku ramen,where she ran into Naruto who was acting strangely towards her (Hint hint),she came upon Aiko praticing in the meadow leading to their house.Kazu decided to say "Hi" and walked over to her sister.
Aiko crossed her arms:
"You're an idiot,Onee-san.."
Aiko:"Onee-san is weak...Onee-san should have never tried to become a ninja!"
Kazuko's eyes widened as she held her tears.
Aiko:"What will Mama and Papa say?"

Ohh angsty.Comment please?
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Kazuko Akemi wallpaper-1350 viewsI got super bored,as you can tell.
I decided to make a wallpaper of Kazuko...
I thought it looked cool...^^
The Song is "Rock with you" by BoA Kwon.
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I do like him..-785 viewsNaruto asked Kazu if she liked Sasuke.She said no..but then she sees his smirk (With sparklies in the background xD) and realizes she does like him..1 comments

Kazuko's profile-1974 viewsIt's a crappy profile,but hey.I should've done a pic of her genin style instead of ANBU...
Her team is called the 'Black Cat Team/Squad' because they're number is 13,and it's said to be unlucky.

Kazu's first impression of Sasuke..-2207 viewsPretty self explanatory.Lol xD
Kazu's trying to figure out what Sasuke's hair looks like..
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NaruKazu-1227 viewsKazuko ends up with Naruto >-<
I don't know why I put that text's part of the lyrics to my favorite song."Romeo" by BoA Kwon.

This took so long!-1495 viewsThis is my new character.My MAIN character actaully.Her name is Kazuko Akemi (As you can see) This took so long.Gawd,I hope someone comments..>->4 comments
Naruto and Kazuko-2295 viewsThis took my a while too.I sure hope people actually comment.Lol.

Well anyway,this is Naruto and Kazuko in Shipuuden.I don't know whether I wanna make them a couple.For right now,though,Kazuko doesn't have a man.
9 pictures on 1 page(s)

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