yea,u're welcome
{...} i'm kinda scared of what he'll say...i do have another crush so this is really weird...
Aw! Just like me and my boyfriend! My character, Aika, and his character, Izuka, are together. Also, my other character, Akira, and his other character, Rei, are together. Rei is Izuka's younger brother, and Akira was found, badly beaten and bloody, by Aika and took her in.... <3
hmm....will i did love 2 boys once.....the 1st one was joiffey and the other one was eddie,and yet i still do,i don't even know who to pick,they're both so cute
{...} spencer is my best friend..i went out with him once...his girl friend is breaking up with him...i'm stuck...dang g2g. if boyo comes on while i'm gone just explain for me. Bye my two friends *hugges* ^-^
Bye! ^^ (hugs)
Actually I gtg too (laughs) Bye -n- Gnite ppl's (hugs) ^^
Dnt worry! I'll be on tomorrow, ok? Bye! (hugs)
i'll be on tomarrow to.same place?
don't worry. *yawn* it's a school night, get some sleep,k?
kim dont yell im here...stop crying..
boyo?!?!?! hehehe g2g blossom you do the explaining for me k?
uh..k kim..uh this picture
it's true
oh..o oh my god im in totalla shock right now
don't worry,everything's gonna be ok boyo,and this is a goodthing,u should be proud
i gg gu guss..man im geting this weird felling in my stomic and..i cant stop shacking...oh man
oh man,this must be the 1st time someone told u that they love u right.....will...i dn't know what kind of advise to give u cause no one ever told me that they love me...so i guess...tell u're brother or mom and dad about this feeling
its ok..kim y you jj just being here is fine..oh my god oh my god...oh my..god.. i never thought this would happen to me in athousend years..i fell so odd..but happy..i fell like im right back in my very first cristmiss again opening up my very first present ...
uh...boyo it's funny yet cute when u're like this....oh i got to go to bed now,see ya tomrrow boyo-san
b..b by ..bye ..kim..
Hey ppl's! And Boyo, if you want, you can talk to me. I've had someone tell me....yeah, lol
oh..um really
Yeah! I've had 2 boyfriends. I'm still dating. ITS BEEN A MONTH!!! YAY US!!!!! .....Srry We've liked eachother for 8 years, but neither of us have had the courage to tell the other. But here we are now We were always BFF'S
oh..ok..chould i..um talk to you now
Yup! Shoot
Hey Ino!
..ok..um wine i woke yp today all i chould thank about was well..um ino..and i guss i felt really good which has bine a while...but it felt even better..and i was smileing i guss wine i was in my uncels car dirving me and my brother to school and i put on one of the more romantic songs of weezer..and wine i was in school all i chould thank about was talking to ino again...i just felt happy i guss and the in side of my stumic felt odd..but it was a good kind of odd ya know...I INO!!
...hi kira....me too....
h um hi ino
Yeah I know what you mean. To me, being with someone really opens you up to the good things in life! .....And....forget about the bad things...that happened in the past....U know what i mean.....
um yeah ok kira-chan..um hi ino
....Oh for God sake! TALK TO EACHOTHER!!!!! GOD!!!
um whats worng
yeah kira-chan you are...ino is something worng
well this is one great conversation XD
I know I am... ^-^ But at least talk to eachother. The key to a good relationship is communication.... HI TASHA! (Hugs) ^-^
oh ok...so what did you do today ino
{...} i had a stress ball ....i am so stressed i popped it.....it's gooy and yellow....
lol Hiya Kira *hug* ^-^ how are ya? I had one of them balls XD I'm going to bed...bye guys ^^
hi tashi. ^^ *hugges*
Good ^-^ As im helping these 2 lovebirds out, I'm writing lyrics from My Chemical Romance Bye Tasha!
...oh um...ok..um...i was um...t t th thank..um about you this morning,,
same here....
Thats good. Thinking about eachother is another key to a good relationship. And you've got the communication down! (Sniff) I-im so proud of both of you
do...you like...the pic blossom....made for ..........us..?
um yeah ok kira-chan...so ino any thing happen today..at school.....oh..i love the oic
no, nothing.....much......
I'll brb. Have fun!
oh...ok..i do love the picture she made us
k...boyo sakura is coming over i'll be rotating the computer again...k?
oh ok...ino..is sakura ok..i mean wine i turned her down she wasent sad was she
no..! you silly! oh...i guess you can't tell when she's playing or not...don't worry. she was doing that to bug you. she has a new boyfriend, anyway. ^^ she's not mad.
oh ok
hey what is up my homies!
.....i wonder where she's at......sakura?!?! i thought you were coming over...? AAAAA! WHAT WAS THAT!!!!!!! my door just slamed open by itself!!! i'm scared.....sakura can you come over now...?
hi sakura..
sorry I can't come over. but guess what my boyfriend called me. hi boyo!
because my nana is mean.
oh....guess what? you know the kids that live on the corner? leon's kids? THEY TRIED TO STEAL MY PUMKIN.....*sniffle* we have alot of jerk kids on our road....boyo are you still there..? oh sorry i didn't see you last comment..
Oh I just love my new boyfriend nicer then Brandon of couse but the bad thing people crowd us I hate that
yes im still here
ino also when people were crowding me and zac britney and brandon were tickling me. g2g bye!
ino whats worng?
{...} my poor tobi pumkin.....i don't the thought that that they where trying to take it...
I'm bac! Ino do you want to come over.
Why? oh my bf might come over too.
i wish i had a boyfriend,u guys are so luckey that u're older,and stuff,but i'm just gald to see the new lovebirds getting to know each other well
dad...he would say something ...i think my mom is cooking dinner too...HI BLOSSOM!!!!
its ok ino....
having a boyfriend is a pain but a the same time not I had a lot of bfs you don't want to know. ............
hiya guys
hi kim
so what cha doing,and yea i guess u're right....i'm to young anyway like 12 years old i'm turning 13 in novmeber
wow that's evil
.....ino dont cry..please...its ok..people are like that i should know to after the things that have happend to me...*wipes tears from eyes*...i dont know what else to say right now but to comfert you..if i was there...i would tell those jerks to back off cus nobody should be tretid that way
i love you , boyo...
....your so sweet...*kiss on the check* {...} ....were did everyone go...? or is it just sakura...???
...i dont know..
my mom said i could go over to her house and i wanted to tell her...i guess i'll call her. bye boyo! i <3 you! *good bye kiss* *hugges for everybody else*
bye..ino *good bye kiss*...
i have a song for boyo and ino-chan it's hey jude.....(plays pinao) "hey jude"....don't make it bad...take a sad song and make better,rememeber to let her into u're heart then u can start to make better....hey jude don't be afarid...u were made to go out and get her,(then plays guitar) the minute u let her under u're skin then u began to make it better.....anytime u feel the pain,hey jude reframe don't carry the world upon u're sholders.... (stops singing) sorry the whole song won't fit
it was great kim...
do u want me to write the rest,or not
sure go ahead...
yay(starts singing and getting guitar)..."for well u know,that it's a fool who plays it cool,by makeing his world a little colder....na-na-na-na-na-na.....hey jude,don't let me down...u have found her now go and get her,let it out to let it in,rememeber to let her into u're heart then u can start to make it (...) hey jude,na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na,hey jude(little guitar solo)na-na-na-na-na-na,hey jude....(a pinao solo )...
*claps hands* that was incredable kim
thank u boyo-san
guss what?
what ...
let him take his time his still writeing
kim...100 out of 5...and kira-chan...for some odd reson...i fell difrent thin i was before....i fell...just defrint..wine ino told me she loved me...it felt like i had transformed it felt just defrint...g2g bye guys...im..haha..im in love
aww...that's sweet.....
So what now?
yea when do have summer vacation boyo,ask ino-chan that and where she lives,so during summer time u can visited her
Or find out a place that you both know and meet there ^-^
yea or make a video,for her and say a poem or sing a song like hey jude,who's from the beatles
Ok he's gone So what now?
yea i guess that after i said that thing about meeting her he musta have fainted cause things are going to fast since yesterday ino-chan finally admit that she loved him,and boyo found out..i guess that he fainted
No...he said he had to go
i gotta go now c ya i'll be back 8
don't worry i'm here kira. so wha da miss?
k...boyo left...?
Yeah he had to go.
tats fine. i went to the park with sakura. tats why i was so long.
Its ok! Have you seen Manami Kuragari? She's my new character
kool. um....dinner is neady...back in 10? i promise!! sowwy!!
Its ok...but no steal my sowwy
Hi! (Hugs) ^-^ Now MY dinner's ready, lol. I'll be back on when I'm done
hiya guys i;'m back sorry i took long to,i already had dinner,oh and i was gone cause i had to go to church with my mom and brother
k. tats kool.
Its kk! Guess what? My boyfriend is joining! His name is Zarkson -^^-
cool...speaking of which...were is boyo..?
Idk...Wait...are you guys technically dating?
...Mega-Kawaii moment!!!!! I tis happy ^-^
same here...so where is your boyfriend? i'm dying to meet him.
His mom wont let him on the computer right now But he's gonna make one
k. did u make anymore pics...?
Of who? Kira, Sayori or Manami?
{...} can you pretty-please make another pic of boyo and me? pretty-please? ....i saw them all. they were good! ^^
who me or her?????????
that or can you teach me how to do it...? (...) either one^^. i just want to know how to do it.^^
...Both of us?
^^ thanx.^^
So, both of us make one? Ok I'll get on it right now ! First off Ino, you need a photo editing program to edit. Do you have one?
idk......i hope so.....how do you know if you do..? i'm sorry, i've always wanted to do one...i just don't know how...
I cant really explain...
......ok.....is it done yet...?
No. Uno momento por favor Do you want short or long hair?
i'm finished with mine
umm....half and half. lol.
Me too. Just gotta post it
kay u can see mine in boyoxzochi
you guys are the BEST !!!!!! i love you guys!!! {ahum...as friends of course.}
YAY WE'RE FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, mines called ZochiXBoyo! Have a lookie ^-^
Luv u guys too! (As bff's) ^-^
hi ino
hi boyo! i'm leaving but kira and kim made us alot of pics.^^ just search "boyoxzochi", *good bye kiss* bye!!!
oh..ok bye ino *good bye kiss*..ill see you tomarrow
ok, bye. ^^
What is up ppl's?
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