THX (my eyes are not red) But i still like it
oh sorry it's just i saw alot of pictures with u in red eyes
cool ^-^
hi^-^ and your wellcome
so what cha doing ^w^
watching sabrina the teenage witch
what channel is sabrina the teenage witch in u're country
mines in channel 38
oh,oh man i feel really sick
are u ok,then go to sleep and rest
i cant get to sleep and i never went to sleep last night, man this is the worst wine i lay down my chest hurts, and at 7:00am i chould barly breath , darn it this is the only thing i hate about winter,and this morning wine i finaly fall asleep i had the weirdist dream.
yeah, man every year in winter every year and this is the worst its ever bine(god please let this last for a day..two secounds if possable) but dont worry kim ill be fine so dont cry ok
i'll pray 4 ya the boy
i'll pray for u to
oh thanks sasukes lil girl and you can just call me boyo and thanks kim
no pro ^w^
well im going to go lay down, cuz im feeling kinda tired just hope i wont have another weird dream,oh and you might not be seeing me for a while im very sorry
it's ok,c ya
ok get some rest boyo
Hey Cherry don't feel bad lets make him a get well card
im back guys well i feel a little bit better^-^
are u sure
well i still have a head ack and its a little hard to breath but it alot better than this morning^-^
i hope u'll get better
im sure i will, oh yeah guss what i know how to get a pic of my self on here but ill have to buy an electric camrua but wine i do get one ill finaly be able to show you guys what i really look like
so what cha doing ^w^
listaning to 80s music^-^
wow,u must really love 80's music
yeah i do and right now im listaning to what have i done to deserve this? by pet shop boys & dusty springfield, this is one of my fav 80s songs because for some reson it reminds me of a show called yu yu hakusho
i used to see that show
yeah i loved that show one of the things that i loved about that show the most was the back round music something about the backround music in the fight sceans where cool
i know
oh now im listaning oh sheila by ready for the world its such a cool song, you know im making a manga that i want to give that feel of the 80s in it and what better way to do that then fashion,but the mangas not just about fashion its also about battlaling other cretures and people with high energy levels of power so i guss if you where to discribe it it would fall into the catagory of supernatrual and marcthal arts^-^
thxie but it sorta suxs
do you have trouble drawing the building i know i do, hey even if its not very good youll get better and besides im pretty sure you dont suck at it
no my problem is the writing i can wrte nice i write sloppy and fast
i have that problem to mostly because i make the word bobbles to small by acadent
oh man i cant beleave it that so mean, that just isent right if they cant come up with there on origanol character then just try harder dont just take the easy way out and take some one elses character
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