mozshi young.JPG 640x480(22KB) mozo remembering mozshi as a little kid-698 viewsmozo got a map from someonelse and so he's traving and traviling to get to the akatsuki,then he remembers about mozshi as 8 years old
mozo:don't worry mozshi i'l save u....
mozshi38.JPG 638x479(19KB) mozshi upset....-770 viewsshe's sad because everyone in konaha is mean to her or can't just understand her,so she's not thinking about leaving the village but someelse is.....
mozshi; why is everyone so mean to me....i don't want to leave,will not untill mozo-san comes back from his mission....
(hears a bang)
mozshi;what's that/
hikaru:stupid bukcet...
mozshi; hikaru-san,where are u going.....
mozshi;then why are u wearing a bookback....
hikaru; no reason,sorry mozshi but i gotta go,c ya
mozshi39.JPG 720x540(39KB) mozshi crying-746 viewshikaru;why are u following me...mozshi...
mozshi;because u were acting strange at the village....and don't lie to me anymore....i know that u're leaving the village....but why...
hikaru:i thought working as a team would make me stronger.....but all it does is just makeing things worse....
mozshi;(crys)....what....that's not true....working together does make u stronger u just have to....
hikaru: it didn't work for u either but u don't want to leave the village cause u're afraid that u're brother
mozshi39_0001.jpg 320x240(13KB) mozsgi rememebering the past-922 viewsyay she finlly rememebers something...
mozshi:....then plz...take me with me with u....hikaru-san....
hikaru:u really want to do this.....don't u....
mozshi:i'll do anything for u....just so i can be with u....i love u hikaru....i mean it....
hikaru:well then....i guess....this is goodbye....(does jutzu)
mozshi:*gasp*(then faints)
mozshi40.JPG 720x540(35KB) mozshi sad part2-664 viewshikaru;u were afried that u're brother would be mad at u....and that he would never i right....
mozshi;uh....i...but..hikaru-san...that's for me to think....i'm pathic so what can expect me to say......
hikaru;no...u're just new here,it was 7 weeks ago since u moved here....
mozshi;yea,....but hikaru are u leaving because of me....cause i'm useless to u...hikaru i'm...i'm sorry,i'd....
hikaru:u're to young to understand.....just like everyone else .......
mozshi:hikaru plz stop
mozshi41.JPG 640x480(25KB) mozshi crying-861 viewsmozshi's back to normal,yay!!!,and is out of the hospital,so here's she talking with mozo,but she still thinks that hikaru left....
mozo:mozshi....what's wrong....
mozshi:it's hikaru-san....he left the village yesterday(still crys)....i couldn't stop him...i...
mozo:don't worry he told us all about it,he came back 3 days ago....
mozshi:what do u mean 3 days ago,he left yesterday i rememeber it very well...
mozo:mozshi-chan u lost u're memorys 8 days ago
mozshi41.PNG 512x385(123KB) mozshi sad part3-889 viewsmozshi;don't leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hikaru;........(just walking and ignoreing her)
mozshi;hikaru....i...i love u more than anything!!!!!!!
mozshi;if staying here don't work....than plz take me with u...hikaru,i'm not playing around....i really,really mean it....hikaru plz.....
hikaru;is that what u really want.....will....than.....alright....but there's something u have to do for me than.....
mozshi;i'll do anything....just what is it
mozshi42.JPG 720x540(36KB) mozshi sad part4-602 viewshikaru;u'll haveb to lose all u're memorys...
hikaru;that's right.....
mozshi:why....hikaru what has gotten into u....u were differnt the last time we were together.....
hikaru;ppl change....
mozshi;but not into this....
hikaru;so are u gonna do it or not....
mozshi;is it the only thing to make u change u're mind,then yes
mozshi43.JPG 640x479(26KB) mozshi sad part5-703 viewshikaru;alright than(does a memeory lose jutzu at mozshi)
mozshi;*gasp*...(thinking) hikaru....(than faints)
hikaru;now what should we do to u.....
mozshi44.JPG 640x480(22KB) mozshi asleep-676 viewsafter mozshi fainted hikaru didn't want her to come along with him,so when he did the lose memory jutzu,he made her forget everything about him,so the next day mozo,kimiko and darkness found mozshi sleeping on the ground mozo thought something bad happan to her so he's takeing her to his house.and see if she's ok or not....
mozshi49.JPG 640x483(25KB) mozshi sad-874 viewsmozo:hey kiddo,u ok...what's wrong?
mozshi:me and my friend had a fight,and so we're not friends anymore....
mozo:ha....i know how u feel mozshi....i also lost a friend during my mission....
mozo:do u rememeber mitsuki....kimiko's twin sister.....
mozshi:why....what happan?
mozo:she died.....
mozshi;i'm sorry to hear that....
mozo:it's ok....hey mozshi let's hang out with each other today.....u know so we get to know each other better......
MOZSHI50.JPG 557x481(23KB) MOZSHI REMEBERING THE NIGHT HIKARU LEFT-695 viewsmozshi still doesn't rememeber hikaru,but she rememebers when she was attack by the jutzu...and when she was up to that part she woke up,and mozo just came in the room and hugged her
mozshi51.JPG 555x489(25KB) mozshi sad-593 viewsmozshi:i have a friend with the same name,expect that her name ends with an i...hikari uchiha...
hikaru:uh,.....will(weak happy face)...oh um...awesome...
mozshi:what's wrong....are u ok...
mozshi:u and hikari aren't friends anymore....and all thx to....i sorta forgot his name...what was it again...h...something...but it was all becuse i couldn't rememeber some guy.... sorry to hear that....
mozshi;it's ok...i just wish that i could rememeber
mozshi53.JPG 555x489(24KB) mozshi happy-646 viewsmozshi meet hikaru for the 1st time,and so they became friends again,then hikaru asked her if she wants to go with him,eating ramen,she said yes so now we're here...
mozshi:wow this's u're name again? name's hikaru,and yours?
mozshi: my name's was really great meeting u hikaru....wait that name sounds famiar....
hikaru:(thinking) she gonna rememeber me....and know who i am again....
mozshi:um...oh yea one of my friend's is name hikari...
mozshi64.JPG 720x540(61KB) chubi mozshi in a map-716 viewsmozshi is just expaling stuff to satoshi
mozshiandmozo.JPG 640x480(31KB) mozo slaped mozshi-635 viewsmozo:(punched then tryed to kick mozshi but missed)...
mozshi:why do u even care about me anyway,u're just doing easy moves on me
mozo:maybe cause u're my sister,and before u came to my life i was lonly even if i have friends,cause when u came,i finally found out that i wasn't the last of my clan,and i was happy,like the missing piece in me finally dissaperrd,mozshi u're family to me,not a piece of crap....
mozshi:shut-up,i don't belive u..
mozo:mozshi,,,(punches,but ednds up slaping her)uh...i
mozshimozoand somegirl.JPG 640x480(26KB) mozshi,mozo,and some girl...who's name i do not know-989 viewsmozo:ok on 3 we'll see who'll kick his butt...
mozshi:(pushes mozo)good luck...
mozo;what the...
girl:wait...u're not strong enough alone...i know his weakness
man; did she escape...
mozshi:who are u...
girl:that's not important now...i use to serve him but he's an evil man so i decied not to work for anymore and so he lock me in some cave as he's prisner...
mozo:kool so what's his weakness...
man:damn u!!!!!!(runs to them)
mozo:u to
mozshipossed.JPG 613x507(36KB) mozshi evil look-962 viewsmozshi:is that all u got...mozo,mozo,mozo...i love to say this to u...but...
mozo:but what?
mozshi:u're gonna die here tonight...
mozo:what makes u say that..
itachi:that would be me...
mozo:what...who are u...
mozshi:my new sensei...
itachi:the name's itachi uchiha...
mozo:wait a minute(rememebers what kimiko said) u're lord itachi...
itachi:some ppl call me that..
mozshi:so what are u going to do...mozo...
mozo:aaaarrrggghh....i won't lose...
itachi:poor little fool
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