chrisi again2.jpg 576x1047(61KB) IT TOOK TI LONG-196 viewsMY EYES HURT . . . . . IT TOOK TO LONG ON PAINT
chrisi leaving~0.jpg 703x532(23KB) chrisi leaving-837 viewschrisi is leaving the leaf because she thinks shes not wanted. but sasuke trys to stop her. Chrisi:go away you dont under a monster a curse to this land. why would you love me ...... this mark right here(ponts to her belly) contants a dark evil. its inside of me it makes me evil why would you still love me Sasuke:because i go thru the same thing.i have a mark to . . . . i love you because your just like me. so stay plz at lest take me with you . if not . . . let me hold you in my arms one last time
chrisi_s room.JPG 1000x560(41KB) chrisi's room-629 viewslook she has pics of sasuke on her wall
how dare you kakashi!!!!.jpg 500x382(51KB) how dare you!!!!!-2167 viewsNaruto, Sasuke,and Chrisi find out whats in Kakashi's little book.=^.^=
untitled.JPG 666x491(50KB) Loving rockers-518 viewsFIND YOUR INNER ROCKER XD