black.JPG 180x289(9KB) Kiyoku-6549 viewsKiyoku koga's little sister
chu.JPG 406x449(19KB) Chu Chu Chan-3786 views
Fuji.JPG 403x480(27KB) Fuji-3200 viewsFuji is a maid in naraku's castle thats why she look scared here
Haru.JPG 352x300(18KB) Haru-2996 viewshehe this is Haru he is a very kind very naive boy think hojo but only ten times worse lol
k.JPG 300x263(14KB) Inu-kassy-4940 viewsshe's inuyasha's baby sis
Kaze.JPG 398x266(21KB) Kaze-2624 viewsKaze is Tsunami's Older brother he is also a water demon but he took up being a samurai not a demon slayer
Kaze2.JPG 362x600(30KB) Kaze-2748 viewsHer he is again in full view
Midori~0.JPG 640x480(27KB) 7649 viewsthis is Midori my inuyasha rpc
Mie he_s changed alot.JPG 640x464(40KB) Mie watching sesshomaru and rin-3806 viewsMie: he's changed alot, but he wouldn't dare show it or say it for that matter
Mie never let go.JPG 640x480(48KB) Mie-4828 viewssesshomaru caught her when she got knocked over the edge of the cliff while he was fighting inuyasha he took a slsh to the back -_-' inuyasha didn't notice she fell.
Mie.PNG 305x201(92KB) Mie-10752 viewsMie and shesshomaru ^-^
neko girl.JPG 679x420(33KB) hehe she's my fav-4601 views^_^ i like her even if she is a crappy edit lol
normal_kikyou51.jpg 500x373(36KB) Midori-9253 viewsShe wen to kagome's time and went to the beach lol
shippo_s sister.JPG 786x590(40KB) Shippo's sister-2159 viewshehe i used this same style for alot of edits that will be uploaded soon
Tsunami.JPG 388x289(13KB) Tsunami-3825 viewsTsunami is A Watter demon Demon slayer if that even makes sence. she's half demon really. and is 13 years old and kohaku has a crush on her
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