bloody Tilly.JPG 515x750(63KB) Bloody tilly-12106 viewstilly from when sh ekilled her former pack
dfgfdg.JPG 640x480(24KB) baby tilly-2244 viewsand the man who took her in
Emerald and Snow.JPG 471x354(14KB) 5659 viewsEmerald protecting her mate snow from tsume snow tried to kill tilly and her big brother kiba but emerald thinks theres still some good left in snow
Emerald and Tilly old edit.JPG 640x480(19KB) Emerald and tilly-3535 viewsOld edit so really craooy but yeah Emerald lost her mind when snow went to join with darcia and became evil too tilly emerald tried to kill kiba nd tsume because if she couldn't be happy no one could. tilly is fighting back but can't do it by herself
Emerald and Tilly.JPG 301x210(15KB) 6048 viewsand there still fighting but where is tsume at! he is suposed to be helping!
emerald.JPG 595x323(28KB) Emerald-2365 viewsthis is emerald's human form
emerald~0.JPG 600x327(21KB) Emerald-1703 viewsshe meet up with jagara *gasps* emarlds a traitor
f5a9920d.jpg 640x480(93KB) oooooo tsume has a crush!-2926 viewsToboe : ey tsume whats with that funny lookin smirk you always get on your face after talking to tilly?
Tsume: wha? what funnt smirk!
Toboe that one on your face now!
Tsume: *grunts*
Toboe : *gasps and gets a big grin* oooooo you like tiiilllyyyy
Tsume: shut up runt!
hige huging tilly.JPG 640x480(24KB) hige hugs tilly-2865 viewsTilly: hige you can let me go now....
Hige: no never again
Tilly:....hige....i'm with tsume you have to let me go
Hige: *growls*
hige tilly &tsume.JPG 640x480(29KB) play time!-6579 viewstilly pushed hige in the watter then he grabed her arm and she grabed tsume so the three of them fell in. hige dunked tilly under water and she tryed to tickle his tummy so he'd let her up to it was tsume's tummy. at this point kiba called to them and told them to stop acting like cubs lol
khjkh.JPG 600x443(26KB) tilly-2810 viewsall puffed up because she's alittle mad
Rusty.JPG 281x168(7KB) 4375 viewsRusty alpha male
Sealin.JPG 731x578(30KB) Sealin-6330 viewsSealin hige's sister she's sad because she can't find her big brother
shaid.JPG 800x600(31KB) Shaid (shade)-5273 viewsis a male wolf he is emeralds brother he fancys blue
snow atks tsume.JPG 238x180(8KB) Snows never gonna be good-3664 viewsSnow atked Tsume! tilly tried to help but emerald stoped her not wanting tilly to hurt snow then till and emeral dgot into a fight
Tavon.JPG 640x480(30KB) Tavon-5621 viewsTavon tilly's Best friend he was born with the same ear deformity also he is kinda albino.
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