Saiyuki(Sanako�s Schwester).jpg 600x1425(99KB) Saiyuki-3367 viewsThis is Saiyuki Minami.She is the older sister of Sanako.She was a very strong ninja.She had wind-technices and was the best of the hole clan.Sanako�s and her parents loves her more the Sanako.But she never cared.She always told Sanako how good she really is and always trained with her.But she died when the clan was attacked by a strange person.She is the only member of the clan who Sanako really loves and really want so see again.
Sanako and Deidara fight.jpg 2048x1536(282KB) Sanako and Deidara-1765 viewsYeah...well Sanako come back to konoha after 1 now Deidara is bad 4 Sanako.It�s really hard 4 her to fight against u can imagine,how that�s gonna be 4 Deidara..T.T well here r they fighting against eachother.I think Deidara still hopes sometimes that he could knock her out,so he can take her back to Akastuki ;)
Sanako and Jhing.jpg 1770x1328(151KB) Sanako and Jhing-1126 viewsMaybe some of u guys know her...Her name is Jhing and she is the RPC of UchihaJinhg^^ She helped me a lot to come out on youtube so i made a pic 4 her^^
Sanako at Shippuuden.jpg 1489x2104(626KB) Sanako at Shippuuden-488 viewsI�ve got a new scanner and i thought,maybe i can but some pic�s on this webside.This one is with Sanako at Shippuuden(comming soon^^).Her hair is in this pic really red that was the mistake of the scanner..sry^^But i tried my best^^
Sanako letzte Hoffnung.jpg 2048x1536(208KB) Try it!!-2023 viewsTeam 7 had a really dangerous mission...First,everythin seemed fine but then..They get attacked by they�re enemy..There�re all knoked out an Sanako tries to protect them...but....
Sanako Minami!.jpg 576x913(52KB) Sanako Minami-3186 viewsThis is Sanako.She is from the Minami-clan.This clan was famous for very good ninja skill�s.But the children had to start with only 3 years with the training.But they had a special order,too.The first child who was born learns wind-technices and the second water-technics.Sanako was a second child.She had an older sister:Saiyuki.But one day someone attacked the hole Clan.Only sanako surrvied.She isn�t sad taht her family is dead.But she miss Saiyuki.Then she joined team 7 and has a big crush on Kakashi^^
Sanako nach vielen Jahren 2.jpg 1729x1297(156KB) Sanako!!!-2827 viewsAfter 1 year...
Somewhere in a dark forist...
*BAM*...*a big explosion*
Deidara:wow Sanako you�re rally are strong
Sanako:*pic at the top*Thx Deidara...But i only did it with ur help -^.^-
(Me:It�s Sanako!!O.o She is now in Akatsuki...
Sanako productions.jpg 2247x1536(240KB) Sanako productions ^-^-756 viewsYeah so this is like one of my pic�s with..ya know, Sanako Productions presents...:'D
Sanako und Deidara.JPG 1023x768(58KB) Sanako and Deidara-3230 viewsWell now,where she is in Akatsuki, Sanako�s teampartner is Deidara.He is her best friend in Akatsuki and loves him like a brother...But Deidara wants more...He has a huge crush in Sanako but is to shy to tell her.And it doesen�t make something easyer for him when she tells him that she loooves Kakashi-sensei more then everything else(mean Sanako...TT.TT)But they really make a good team^^
Sanako wallpaper.jpg 2304x1574(250KB) Sanako wallpaper-3173 viewsSry that it took so long 4 new pic�s but now i�m making more!
I�m back xDD
ok this is another pic of Sanako^^
Sanako!^^.jpg 640x480(31KB) Crasy looking Sanako^^-1734 viewsThis a pic of Sanako were she see�s for the 1st time Kakashi�s book^^She can�t belive,that HE is reading THAT book!
Sanakox Kakashi.PNG 400x400(21KB) sweet :3-6487 viewsIn Shippuuden Sanako comes toghether with Kakashi(wow,what a suprise...^^)
Actually this was a pic of Sasuke and Sakura ^-^
Team 7 shocked.jpg 2048x1536(240KB) Team 7-4785 viewsI told already,that Sanako joined team 7.In this pic she hang�s out with Sasuke Sakura and Naruto...They have a lot of fun together^^
Team 7 with Kakashi.jpg 1024x768(77KB) Team 7 (again ^-^)-4466 viewsYeah...What should i say? xD
Sanko is hanging with team 7 out,again^^Ofcourse is she sitting next to Kakashi xD♥
Team 7....jpg 2048x1536(255KB) My choise...-2025 viewsSanako was still thinking, where she has to go now.She lokked at her foto with team 7 and lokked at all the members.Then she saw Sasuke and thought on his brother.She knew that he is a member of Akatsuki.Then she know it:She wants to join Akastuki.So she looked the last time at her foto(again..-.-)
And left.Will she return someday?
Team 7.jpg 2048x1536(275KB) Group 7-7648 viewsThis is the new tean 7 foto.I know Naruto looks scary,but actually he alway looks like that -^.^-
naa just kidding...
Versagt.jpg 2730x2048(399KB) Oh no...-3535 views...BAM!!She get�s attacked by the enemy,too.It�s a really dangerous hit she almost died...
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