like whoa,u're scareying me
ITACHI GET AWAY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!  yachiru, ill join u *takea out numerous bomb kunais*
YEA,WHAT THEY SAID..*brings gun*
 lets go 2 another pic, this 1 scares me
y did u make it?  itachi is so cruel  darkness dosnt desevre this
i made it cause ....i forgot why,but will darkness is trying to protect elizabeth and itachi's making darkness remember that he couldn't protect kimiko,and that's why she died,which isn't really true,but darkness thinks it is,and so now he's getting himseld killed just so he can prove himself as a real ninja..
 he IS a real ninja
i know,but he can't just see it
*heals him then shakes him wildly* U R A REAL NINJA! GET IT THROUGH UR HEAD!!! PLZ!!!
darkness:dang!!!!!,u don't have to it so hard...
darknes:it's ok,i know u're trying to help
^-^ just plz get it through ur head, u r a REAL and TRUE ninja darkness... and a really nice 1 2 boot
darkness:thx,and i'll remember that,and a nice 1 2 boot?
yes, very nice as in sweet, kind, etc
darkness:yup,and i ...i sorta need...help getting elizabeth likeing me...can..can u help?
AWW!! of course i can! nothing better than asking a girl 4 help in these situations! what do ya need?
sure!  *walks away* ELIZABETH!! I NEED 2 ASK U SOMETHING!!!!
do u lik darkness? im just curious ^-^
elizabeth:did mozo payed u to ask me this?...
nope... i havent even cn mozo all day
elizabeth:ok..here it goes then..i do...i really,really do love darkness...but he doesn't love me...or even notice me at all...he loves kimiko more...even if shes gone
oh ok, ill help u with that!  ill b right back  *walks away* DARKNESS!!
darkness:what did she say...
um... *thinks-should i tell him? im not sure elizabeth wanted me 2...but i guess i should* she said that she dosnt lik u, she loves u, but thinks that u dont even notice her, and that u still love kimiko more, even tho shes passed on
um...wow guys go threw a lot... wat about asking her on a date? and COMUNICATION IS KEY! dont mumble, stutter, and no lame jokes, just show ur natural funniness  and if u need help, here *hands darkness communication device* put this in ur ear and when u need something, ill tell u wat 2 say. i got ur back 24/7!
i already have a bf darkness  but i have a lot of a guy friends, and ur #1 on my list
darkness:thx..i'll ask elizabeth now...ELIZABETH-CHAN!!!! elizabethL:hiya darkness-kun.... darkness:wo-would go out with me...if u want... elizabeth:ye-yes*hugs darkness*
tru love ^-^ hope u guys have fun!
elizabeth:*whispers to keiko*i can't belive he asked me out,i wonder what made him....
*raises shoulders* dont ask me
elizabeth:oh..ok  darkness:*grabs elizabeth's hand*come on let's go,we don't wanna be late
*whispers 2 darkness* remember the hearing device
darkness:right..*puts the device on*so um..elizabeth...what do u do... elizabeth:princess stuff,u know that
*says into teeny microphone* dont mention anything that has 2 do w/ princess stuff! ask her how her days been!
darkness:*whispers to keiko*ok... elizabeth:ok what? darkness:how was your day... elizabeth:it was well,untill mozo,pants fell down
*  * sorry, that was funny. ok, now laugh and ask her wat happened
darkness:*laughs*what happend... elizabeth:will while we were training mozo's pants got stuck to a tree and after i got him out of the tree,he's pants fell down,and do ui know he likes to wear hobo underwear...
*  * wow, start laughing and say that u didnt know that, unless u did
darkness:*laughs again*wow,i didn't knew that... elizabeth; mozo is so werid*laughs*i wonder why
say that mayb he was acedantaly dropped on his head when he was little
darkness:maybe he was accidently dropped on his head when he was little... elizabeth;poor kid,but i'm glad he has a gf..so darkness,what do u wanna eat?
say that ur glad 2, and yes ur really hungry than order wat u want 2 eat
darkness;i'm glad to,and i'm really hungry,how about....enpanadas... elizabeth:sounds good,i'll have some to
now order it
darkness:*gets the waiter*may me and my date enpanadas plz.. waiter:i'll get it right away... elizabeth;thank u,so darkness...what made u want to ask me out
 um... tell her darkness
aww, tru love
darkness:*whispers to keiko*should i kiss her
okay scary pic SCARY PIC*closes eyes*
darkness:*kisses elizabeth on the lips* elizabeth;  *HIYA BOYO-SAN*
AAAWWW!!!! *hiya boyo!*
hi kim, awww how sweet^^
darkness:  i hope that wasn't to soon... elizabeth:i-i didnt mind...i loved it...i love u darkness
*2 darkness in microphone* ASK HER 2 B UR GF!
darkness:elizabeth-chan..do u wanna be my girlfriend.... elizabeth:YES..i mean yes....my bad for being so loud... darkness:*holds her hand*i don't mind,i like u just the way u are...
its just so sweet *crys w/ joy* now invite her 2 the christmas party!
darkness:after this..do u wanna go to kim's and keiko's party..with me.. elizabeth:sure
YES!  hey darkness, now that u guys r 2gether, u can try 2 catch her under the mistletoe w/ u
darkness:yea... elizabeth:yea what? darkness:nothing.. elizabeth;*sees the device on darkness ear*darkness what's that on your ear? darkness:nothing...
make sure she dosnt c it! it might, no it WILL ruin everything!
elizabeth:*gets closer to darkness*WHAT IS THAT? darkness:nothing really... elizabeth:let me see*falls on darkness and to the ground*WHOA darkness:AAHHH...*ear device falls off darkness ear*
darkness! Ya still there? *static* *flicks microphone* DARN IT! lost him... i hope he can do it w/out me. but i have faith he can
darkness;*thinks to self*DAMN,WHERE'S THE DEVICE* elizabeth;what was that...darkness what's going on... darkness;NOTHING*eats the device*it's just a BUG...
i hope he didnt eat it... that device cost me a lot of money
darkness;*thinks to self*DAMN,WHERE'S THE DEVICE* elizabeth;what was that...darkness what's going on... darkness;NOTHING*eats the device*it's just a BUG... ELIZABETH:EWW...i'm going home..c ya later
*sees elizabeth coming out of restarunt* wat did he do? *puts head on hand and shakes head*
darkness:ELIZABETH WAIT!!! elizabeth:were u lying to me...i knew u don't even like me...why don't u just leave me alone,and go to u're dead girlfriend..kimiko.. darkness:but...
*sees wats going on* oh crap! *comes out of busshes* ELIZABETH! look, he wasnt lying! he didnt want 2 make a fool of himself so he asked me 2 help. he really DOES love u, REALLY MUCH! ALL his intentions were true, he loves u elizabeth...
darkness:YEA,WHAT SHE SAID... elizabeth:why... darkness:i'm stupid..i'm no good,with talking to..girls... elizabeth:*holds darkness hands*u're not stupid...u're just shy..i can understand that,and i'm sorry for what i said about kimiko and u... darkness:it's ok...so can we still be... elizabeth:bf and gf..ok...
 Im glad that worked out!
darkness:*kisses elizabeth on the lips* elizabeth;  thanks keiko-chan
Ur weclome darkness  im always here 2 help
darkness:so how are u taking to the party?
im taking takai
darkness:i'll call him now so we all can go to the party together
um...ok...  but i have 2 b at kims house so we can decorate! *runs 2 kims house* C YA THERE! AND TELL MOZO 2 TAKE A SHOWER!
elizabeth:bye darkness:c ya!!! me:*sees keiko outside the window*KEIKO-CHAN*opens door*why are u tired..did u run here
yes *puff* i did *puff,puff* lets hurry up and decorate then lets get ready
me:here have a christmas sweter...*give the sweter to keiko*and let's get STARTED!!!!
*decorates the house completley w/ kim* now lets get freshed up, get dressed, and call everybody!
me:hello girl tied up with bow here....
*  * hold on... *unwraps kim* i got kim 4 christmas!
*  * now how r we supposed 2 get out? -_-" the party's in 10 minutes!
me:i don't knoe*sees some1 opening the door*HEY U COME OVER HERE AND UNTIE US... my rival;u want me to pull u up...*pulls me and keiko up* me;NOT UP,DOWN!!!! my rival:u want me to put more bows up on u guys ok... me;NO!!!!
*whos ur rival?* NO BOWS! PLZ!
*sorry i was helping my mom wraping my bro's present*me;her name is alexandra alex;call me alex,and your stupid will have to be cancel if u 2 aren't here...SO HA!!!
*its ok*  everythings ready! just not us *laughs nervously*
ME;I HATE THIS DAY... ALEX;*sees some1 else opening the door*will i gotta go*ties up our moths*ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS11!*Uleaves takai&darkness;HELLO!ANY1 HOME.... max;wow the place looks kool,but where's keiko and kim/
*screams* WE'RE OVER HERE!!!!! CAN U HELP US????
max:let's go outside maybe they're having a snowball fight... takai;ok...*leaves*
they...r...deaf -_-" now what r we gonna do?
me;*can't speck cause ribbons in my mouth*
*sighs* *screams REALLY loudly*
darkness;*opens door8HELLO,ANY1 HERE!!!! elizabeth/;are u sure this is kim's house... darkness;yes,and i just heard some1 screming in here... alex;and that would be my bad,sorry but u're at the wrong house*pushes darkness and elizabeth out and closes the dorr*
 *does rope escape jutsu and kicks alex outta kims house*
alex;AHHHH!!!!!! me:*yells yay*
finally! now lets get ready and STAY AWAY FROM THE RIBBONS
me;*can't still say anything cause i'm still stuck in the ribbon*
i used the rope escape 4 BOTH OF US
*takes bow out of mouth*NAH0UH,AND THIS TASTE HORRIBLE...let's get ready
i know,let's put our dress on and put the music on
*puts on dress and cranks the music up* now lets get everybody!
me;right*opens dorr and a snowball hits me at the head*....
*  * who threw that?
me:WWAAA THAT HURT*naruto comes in and hugs me* naruto:are u ok kim..i'm sorry i didn't mean that
hey naruto! come on in!
naruto:i'll bring every1 else in 1st...*calls every1 to come in*
yachiru! ur invited 2!
eggnog gets me sick (even tho its good) COOKIES!, i dont dance
i hate itachi...srry....ive never had eggnog wats it like?  and I LOVE 2 DANCE!!!! wat im i invited 2??
me and kims christmas party!
me never had eggnog either but who cares*dance everywhere*
ok! COOOOOOOOOOKIES!!! -tales all the cookies and eats them like a mad dog in the corner-
*sits on couch eating a cookie*
NOOOO GIMME THAT!!! -takes cookie from Keiko and starts eating it in the corner with the rest of the cookies- MIIIIIIIINE!!!
 great, now i have no cookie  y did we invite u again?
me;because she's our friuend
a friend that stole my cookie  what is there 2 do? im bored, that was awkward, saying im bored and im at a party
takai:hey keiko come over here
ok sure *walks over 2 takai* wats up?
takai;keiko look*keiko looks up and sees a misleto*
takai;*kisses keiko on the lips*
naruto;ohh kim...come here me;yes naruto...what's up? naruto;this*kisses me on the lips* me;*faints*
kim wake up *shakes her* i lived thew my kiss, u can live threw urs
me;*wakes up scareming*...
yes, ur awake  and yes, it happened. i wonder if mozo and crystal r here
me:i didn't see them come in...
i wonder if they're coming. mayb mozos having trouble w/ his bath, isnt it his 1st time?
me;i think so...
i KNOW darkness came in... i wonder where HE is... did u hear wat happened between him and elizabeth?
me;/they were kicked out,maybe they're still looking for my house
ill go find them... *a while later* *pushing darkness and elizabeth in2 the house*
*darkness and elizabeth falls on the floor* me;hiya guys welcome to the party
*darkness gets up and helps elizabeth* *sings* darkness and elizabeth, sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g
darkness;*blushes* elizabeth;*blushes as well... me;*whispers to keiko*ask him if he ate your device...
darkness, i never got my device back, did u happen 2 eat it? *whispers 2 kim* how did u know about that?
darkness;i..i don't remember..all i did was put it my mouth... me;*grabs the talking device that's for the hearing device*HELLO,ANYONE THERE!!! DARKNESS:*STOMCH WITH LOUD NOISE*I think so
now ur gonna have 2 pay 4 it, cuz im not waiting 4 it 2 come out
me;she's got a point... darkness;*burps it out*how much...
EEEEWWWWW!!!!! >.< >.< >.< DARKNESS!!!!!!!
darkness;my bad
darkness say parten me
*picks it up* its ok  its wat makes u U
me:yea at least he didn't pooed it out
dosnt help kim -_-"
me:but it's true...anyway,let's party
i said it once, and ill say it again, I DONT DANCE, unless u mean something else by party
that's what i mean...and every1 knows how to dance
um...i dont
me;yes u do*grabs keiko and starts spinning her around then she bumps into takai*
takai:do u wanna dance with me..plz
takai:ok*holds keiko and dances around* me:told ya....
ME: sorry im late , i had to pick out a dress
takai:u dance beautiful
Sasuke: chrissi. . . . uh . . . . want to dance. . .  ><
me:so cute... takai:yup
*r u talking about sasuke or me?*
Sasuke: im was taking to chrissi  DUH CAN"T READ!!!!!!!!!
HEY HEY HEY!!!! I CAN ONLY DO TAKAIS LINES!!!!! jk u can do them when evuh u want tya! Takai: no dip she can! anytime theres a mistletoe i wanna be there if Keiko is! Yachiru: hehe player!! Takai: WAT DID U SAY!! Yachiru: NOTHIN!!
Me: sasuke don't be mean and sure i'll dance with you
 2 yachiru: if u read above, where there is a LOT of blushes, he already did
i no! i read stuff!
 lol
um...how long will we b dancing?
sasuke: *grabs my hand* well what i know is that im dancing as long as my herat says "chrissi"
me:i wonder where naruto went?...oh well i don't mind waiting..
Yachiru: Aww Sasuke that waz sweet!
yes very sweet! and kim, u wiil not b left waiting! *finda naruto and pulls him by the ear and throws in2 kim*
Yachiru:  Well i guess i gotta wait 2!!  ^-^
me:na-naruto... naruto:sorry i didn't come to u earler... me:it's ok..
Yachiru: AWWWZ!!!
^-^ im getting everybody 2gether 2day!
Sasuke:*brings me close to his chest* so what kinda dance r we doing?
Yachiru: Not every1....  i dont have a guy....
i dont know! me sorry...  i dont wanna invite gaara tho..
gaara: oh well im here 4 my girl cuzz chrissi called me earlyer
ok, but gaara U BETTER BEHAVE!!!!!
it doesnt have 2 be from naruto
me:true.. naruto:HEY
if it wasnt only from naruto i might have broughten Alviss
lol kim!! and it really doesnt have 2 be so im bringing Toushiro! Yachiru: Toushiro! Toushiro: Yeah? -puts his arm around me- Yachiru: Ur invited 2 this party...Srry 4 bending the rules, Keiko, but I want Toushiro here! Toushiro: -smiles- Isnt she sexy? Yachiru:  Not now Toushiro........
 okay, but hes the only non-naruto person coming, ok?
Mat: im not from the show but my dad sasuke is
naruto ocs r invited 2  *i have 2 leave at 4 so i have some time*
Mat: ok rachel want to dance
so much sweetness at this party!
Yachiru: Fine!! Toushirou: Yes... Yachiru: ^-^ Toushiro: -grabs waits- Wanna dance? Yachiru: Ha! U no it!  Both: -start dancing-
Sasuke: slow dance ok *pulls me to start danceing* Me: sasuke. . . i did't know you could ballroom dance  Sasuke: i don't need to tell you all of my tricks sweety
me:SO CUTE... naruto;do u...wanna dance... me;sure...*takes my hand and we starts dancing*
Yachiru: Im so happy! -holds Toushiro tighter- Toushiro: Y? Yachiru: Every1s dancing and having a great time! If only Keiko was here...  Toushiro: She'll come! -kisses my forehead- Yachiru:  Yeah....-puts head on his chest- Toushiro:
me:this is fun,naruto i never knew u could dance naruto;i love showing u surprises my love...*spins me around like a ballerina&
Yachiru: Aww!! Kim and Naruto r having a great time!! Now Naruto just needs 2 kiss her!!  Toushiro: And u? Arent u having fun? Yachiru: Thats the stupidest thing youve ever asked! -kisses him- Toushiro:  -then beside me by forty foot echo starts playing- Yachiru: I love this song!! Come on Toushiro -pulls him- Toushiro:  Yachiru: Show me ur fast dance moves! -starts dancing fast..but not 2 fast!- Toushiro:  -starts 2 dance fast 2-
naruto:*kisses me* me;*super blush*
Yachiru: THERE WE GO!!! THATS WAT IM TALKIN ABOUT!!! Toushiro:  Calm down, Yachiru!
me;FOOLED YA!!!! naruto;we were just getting the christmas persents...
Yachiru:  GREAT IM PREGNANT NOW!!! thx though  Toushiro:  WHHHHAAAAT????? o well....im gonna be a dad!  Yachiru: Now u guys just need ta...OOOO WHAT DID I GET???? gimme my presant -holds out hands-
me:i been pregnat with 5 kids...met drake... drake:dup me:rachel rachel;hi.. me:max max:hiya there me:then the twins kelvin and kelsey... kelvin&kelsey:hiya guys... me:and here's your present...*gives present to yachiru*IT'S A....MILLION DOLLARS....
Yachiru: Hi Drake! Hi Rachel! I already met u Max! Hi Kelvin! And hi Kelsey!!  SWEEET A MILLION DOLLARS!!! Toushiro: Hi! What did I get? Yachiru: This! -kisses him- Toushiro:
me:u sure,i was gonna give him,a thousand dollars...
Toushiro: I want that 2!! -takes thousand dollars- Yachiru: Money freak! ^-^ Toushiro: Am not...-_-'
me:and what...i'm not getting anything^c^
Me: me too give me some
me;ok,here's...30 MILLION DOLLARS
Me: yeppey
Yachiru: -gives kim a billion dollars- Share that with Naruto!
me:OMG THANK U SO MUCH*hugs yachiru*
Yachiru: Ur welcome!! -hugs back- Toushiro:  HEY WAIT A MINUTE!! THAT WAZ MY MONEY! Yachiru:  oops......o well! Toushiro: What?? O well?? Yachiru: Relax, baby! -kisses his cheek- Toushiro:  I can never stay mad at u! Yachiru: ^-^
me:lol...so cute naruto:oh kool free money... me;our christmas money...*takes money from naruto* naruto:yea,i was getting there...
me:u can have half the money..u can get 2 million and we get 1 million...kay
Toushiro: Kk.... Yachiru: ^-^ Can we all start dancin again???
Yachiru: YAYZ!! -grabbs Toushiro and drags him 2 the dance floor-
me:IT'S YAYZA....BUT WHO CARES*grabs naruto and dances*
Yachiru: ok!! YAYZA!!! -still dancing- toushiro:  -dancing also-
im not dancing, not even if u make me
Yachiru: KEEEEEEEEEEEEIKO!!! IVE MISSED U!! -hugs- Toushiro:
me 2  but im still not dancing *looks away*
Takai: -puppy eyes- 4 me? Keiko...plz...-kisses her on the lips- Yachiru: OW OW!!  Toushiro:  ^-^ -puts arms around me-
Takai: Thats my girl! -grabs Keiko and starts dancing- Yachiru: Aww...! How cute! Toushiro:  -grabs me and starts dancing along side Takai and Keiko and Naruto and Kim-
Takai: -kisses Keiko- Yachiru: ^-^ Toushiro:
Sasuke: *kisses me* make that 4  Me: >< !
wats 2morrow? and chrissi here *hands present* sasuke here *hands him present*
Me: cool what is it and sasuke is still half alsleep so he thinks i's still night time
 *wat u want it 2 b*
all i what 4 christmas is to be with sasuke
AW!  but something i could actually wrap up and put a bow on plz?
that why i sleep on the floor no more kids 4 me
Sasuke: NO  i'll be too hot
then dont use the blanket -_-"
Sasuke: i . . . . dont
no u didnt and im glad u did
Sasuke: *giggles evily* hehehehe
guys dont giggle u perv!
sasuke only do that when he has a dirty mind  uh-oh
um..this is a CHRISTMAS party at KIMS house sasuke
Yachiru: Wow....I've missed a lot....but i had 2 get off TT-TT
Chrissi: SNAP OUT OF IT SASUKE!!!!!!!  *slaps him* Sasuke: OW!!! DAM_IT WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!
oo can i slap him 2?
Yachiru: AHH! UR NOT SUPPOSED 2 SLAP UR LOVER....even if hes being perverted....-_-' Toushiro: Guys r perverted...well most r... Yachiru:  Wat waz that? Toushiro:  Nothin... Yachiru: ^-^ -sacrasticly- Sure... Toushiro: Hehehe...-nervous smile and looks away-
Yachiru:  Toushiro: -_-'
me:.... naruto;...what
Yachiru: Naruto r u perverted?
naruto:only to kim... me:every night...
EW >.<
me;i know he's gross...but who cares*kisses naruto*
Chrissi: sorry sasuke-kun
me:what's wrong chrissi...SASUKE!!!!!!
*slaps sasuke* u made chrissi cry u BAKA
Yachiru: Sasuke!! Dont be mad at her! She just doesnt want u 2 be perverted....when were around anyway...-rasies eyebrows-
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