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thats one of the coolest edits i've ever senen! 5/5
Thanks. ^^ That means alot!
your welcome
Nice! x3
Thankies! >w<
Awesomeness!!! 5/5!!!
^^ Thanks you guys! *huggles you*
Hey hoshihikaru, can you check out some of my newest uploads?
Yush! ^^
isnt pocky a candy kinda thing?
Yush. Its like a cookie stick. Sometimes covered with chocolate or strawberry cream thing.
lol a cookie stick XD i had em in the shape of lil ice creams once! twas a party in my tummy,so yummy,so yummy! lol i dont watch ya gabba gabba..it was on a shirt in hot topic >.>...(sure it was!*)lol
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