7f8aeb40.jpg 640x480(35KB) Riku!!!-15640 viewsDid i ever mention that Hoshi has another little ball of sunshine? Meet Riku! He's Hoshi's other adoptive son. He doesnt like Pookie cause he gets more attention then he does. In fact, he hates him. He doesnt like it when Hoshi gives Pookie more attention because of something that happened to him when he was little (abandonment issues).
AAWWWW_lookathim_.jpg 466x355(23KB) ^///^-6334 viewsPookie: I'm thankful....that I have so many friends....
Anoon.png 640x480(275KB) Anoon-3592 viewsHe's a very old RPC and I missed him so I decided to bring him back. The only problem is, I cant remeber his name. So I gave him the code name ANoon which I think means "Unknown".
He is Orochimaru's younger brother. Like him, Anoon can summon and control snakes. And unlike his older brother, he's very kind and loves children (and not in a "I wanna rape you" way either O.e) Even though his brother is a freaking psycho, he somehow still loves him. O.o
AWESOME!.jpg 576x778(27KB) Hoshi Getsurei-6497 viewsDone on Photofiltre in about 10 minutes.
ayane_doa2ucg_2724j2.jpg 533x400(22KB) Pooki-POOKIE?!?!?!?!?!?!-3308 viewsNo wonder the 3rd called him a little girl!!! XD
azu_others0153.jpg 720x480(31KB) Getsurei Kitties-2685 viewsWhen you join, you get a free kitty! I made Hoshi's and one for Daiichi, even though he isnt in it.
azu_others0154.jpg 720x480(27KB) Random Getsurei kitty-2172 viewsGot bored and was messing with photofiltre.
Crap! Im late!.jpg 490x372(21KB) Nuuuuue!-8719 viewsHoshi is late for the first Getsurei meeting. She doesnt have her outfit yet, so she is wearing her normal Shippuden outfit.
Daiichi.png 640x476(264KB) Daiichi-kun-2648 viewsI wonder what he's thinkin about?
Daiichi_Fire.jpg 472x724(31KB) Daiichi.-2594 viewsFor once. Its a single no other person picpic of Daiichi! owo
DaiiHo.png 448x408(263KB) I'll never leave you...-3911 viewsDaiichi and Hoshi in the rain.....
df.jpg 673x480(18KB) Uwah...Do you enjoy making my job harder?-3348 viewsAnd this is how Hoshi felt when Chihiro kept giving suggestions for name and symbols for the org.
Hoshi: Do you enjoy making my job harder?
Chihiro: Yes. Yes I do.
(I have no idea if she would say that or not)
dfh.png 640x361(185KB) I can't remember...-3883 viewsHoshi cant' remember most of her childhood other than sitting on the swing by herself every day.
Eating.png 640x480(286KB) FengHua eating-4456 viewsFeng met some girl whose whole family was killed. And she keeps blaming herself and saying she could have stopped them. Feng says somethin and the il gets really mad and yells at her about how it happened,Feng sighs, annoyed and says, "God, you were like, only 7 years old, and the person who killed your family was fullgrown. If would have done something, you would have been killed. You didn't do anything that caused their deaths and quit crying. I'm pretty sure noone wants to hear your life story,"
ElfenLiedLucy_086.jpg 597x336(28KB) Kite's mad at me-10963 viewsBecause I made her look like a gothic chick I guess...XD
elfen_lied_special_01_024.jpg 704x382(32KB) Akamaru died (from over eating)...O.o-6639 viewsThis is why Kakashi doesnt leave Pakkun alone with Kite.
Feng older.jpg 600x400(29KB) Feng Timeskip-5264 viewsDurin the Gaara mission, a weird girl appears. And naruto is like, "WHO are you?!" And she goes, "What do you mean?! You don't remeber me?!?!" Then she punches him and turns around. Then Sakura says, "You don't remeber her Naruto? Its Feng!" Feng puffs her cheeks out and crosses her arms. "Oh yeah...I remember her..." Naruto says, rubbing his cheek.
Feng.jpg 765x1146(60KB) Feng all blushy blushy-4348 viewsSai was tryin to think of a nickname for her, so he just like, stares at her. And Feng blushes and says "You can just call me Feng. No Chan, kun, san, or Sama crap. It makes me...n-nervous." (Thinks: Oh crap, please stop starin at me like that! O/////O)
FengHua.png 599x400(288KB) FengHua-4536 viewsMy new oc. She's based off of me (only I have curly hair XP). Took me about a week to finish.
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