KATSUCHAKRASEAL.png 600x368(48KB) Katsu's Chakra Seal-2835 viewsBecause Katsu can't store as much chakra as Chihiro, when he decided he needed to fight her, he found a way to store more chakra, his chakra seal which reacts to the amount of charkra his Kamigan is using.
katsukami copy.png 640x480(154KB) Katsu Being Cocky-6210 viewsIt's from the fight between Katsu and Chihiro, he makes one of the worst mistakes ever......underestimating Chihiro.
Btw, he has his Kamigan activated
katsukamigan.PNG 640x480(82KB) Katsu's Kamigan-3875 viewsAs Katsu's Kamigan was awakened when he was brought back to life, he is able to use the Kamigan in battle like Chihiro, buut he only has a partial Kamigan, which is why he only has 3 spikes (aka spokes) and only get 3 marks on his arms (Chihiro gets 12 for comparison)
Katsukid.png 632x472(235KB) Katsu as a kid-6475 viewsyes, I know he has white hair, he had it before he died, like every other member of the does (except Chihiro)
nyehtraining.png 640x480(262KB) Training-11836 viewsKatsu: *has shirt off 'cause he's training and was hot*
Cloe: *sees him and walks up to him* Katsu-kun...Put your arms up!
Cloe: *puppy dog eyes* pweeez?
Katsu:.....Fine �_�; *puts his arms up*
and I'll let Akiko-chan decide what happens next XD
OMGitchihirobrokatsu!!.PNG 640x480(180KB) Katsu-6600 viewsName:Katsu Ryuukazan
Age:24(but stopped ageing at about 15)
Birthday:January 31st
Height:5'2" (158 cm)
Rank: Missing-nin/jounin
Teammates: N/A
Signature Moves/traits:Kamigan, Doesn't usually appear to have much chakra, stores chakra that can't be sensed, lava-style techniques and can stop chakra flow completely.
Bio:he died when he was 15 and was brought back 2 life by he loving older sister with tensei ninjutsu, this awoke his kaimgan giving him the same abilities and black hair.
[not enough room]