akahana 2.png 540x323(314KB) sunset-1099 viewsfinally! i have the lower half of Akahana's jonin outfit decided~
other than that, she is standing outside the Uchiha compound(yus that is where they live) and enjoying the breeze
Akahana.png 636x478(339KB) Introductions-1690 viewsso Akahana is one of teh main sensei within my next generation story. her team consists of her own child, Uchiha Michiko, Uzumaki Kohana, and Hamasaki Sasori. she is rather nice, but is strict during training and missions.
Akiko.jpg 724x1023(71KB) Nara Akiko-885 viewssecond upload. Nara Akiko, second child and only girl of Shikamaru and Hinata. she is much fun to make.
one day, i will have these colored
Anzu.jpg 908x945(97KB) Anzu-920 viewsOrihime's younger sister. she is a bit odd when it comes to fashion. also, she is blind and uses chakra to see
Barayou.jpg 670x1023(66KB) Akamichi Barayou-1039 viewsanother oddly dressed girl. Barayou is the only child of Ino and Chouji. her and Kiri kind of act like their mothers, yet have a closer bond
Fuka.jpg 622x1023(60KB) Haruno Fuka-663 viewsFuka is Kiri's twin sister. she takes after Sai more so while Kiri resembles a young Sasuke(in attitude)
IMG_1827.JPG 495x864(57KB) Sarutobi Koharu-1541 viewsso until i actually know the gender and name of her kid, this is what i am naming her. everyone knows that Kurenai is preggers with Asumas kid, this is my take on that child. her hair resembles her moms and she has things in her outfit that resemble her dads style
IMG_1831.JPG 798x453(50KB) Uchiha Dai-840 viewsi dont think i will use Dai, but im posting her anyways. Dai is a crack child of Sasuke and Kairn...i fail
itachi-animestocks[com]-026.png 1280x716(287KB) expectations of the clan-1059 viewsso here are the Uchiha siblings, Michiko(the elder one and girl) and Fuji(the younger and boy). Fuji is seen as Uchiha Obito's reincarnation and thought to excel like he did, but since he is only half Uchiha, he has trouble with the expectations, as does Michiko.
I_hate_you_two_by_FuyuHanabi_Ai.png 398x393(16KB) I hate you both-1226 viewsyet another doll... um Taura, Kohana, and Yume in their pajamas talking about something that is annoying Kohana greatly
jiraiya-animestocks[com]-123 - Copy.png 632x580(321KB) The mist of the past-963 viewsodd title... so here is Aiko once again. she is sitting on the bridge leading from the main house to the elders meeting hall. the small bottle she is holding is basically medicine. every other generation, one of the head family children is born with a sickness that only manifests as an adult. Aiko was the one of her generation. the reason she is just sitting there, doing nothing, it because she is looking back on her time she spent around the Akatsuki and how her kids are. effects are fun~
kakashi-animestocks[com]-024.png 640x435(309KB) Not like that-1225 viewsso here is Sasuke and Akahana's baby boy Uchiha Fuji(named after her father).
when he was in the academy, Fuji started to act a lot like Uchiha Obito and Akahana talked with Kakashi about getting goggles like his former teammate. the girl he is referring to is Aburame Mikoshi
kakashi-animestocks[com]-166.png 788x358(173KB) Will to protect-503 viewsfor some reason, i believe Fuji would be Obito rencarnaited so i plan to(or attempt too) edit him in situations that happened and probably happened(before his death) to Obito. so here is Fuji stating his promise he made to Uzumaki Kiri and Aburame Mikazuki(new team7)
karin-22-animestocks[com].png 638x478(432KB) Visit to the family-2348 viewsAkahana's family lives in Kiri, well her parents and the clan elders do. Before the wedding, Sasuke had to go with her to see the family and this would be them leaving to do so
Kiri.jpg 586x1022(46KB) Haruno Kiri-1281 viewsKiri is the elder twin of Sakura and Sai. i have some odd story behind how they got together. in my story, a few of the canon boys die on a mission and one was Naruto. before he died, he married Sakura and she became pregnant. she gave birth to the first set of twins months after his death. so Sai and Sakura get together 3 years later, how, im not sure yet
na - Copy - Copy (3).png 943x567(378KB) Always there-1871 viewsfor some reason i can see Sasuke becoming a mroe happy go lucky guy once he has kids. probably because he is finally able to have a family and settle down. the woman in the back is my Oc Hamasaki Akahana and she is preggers with their second child. the one mentioned is Michiko, their eldest child. i guess something happened and they are encouraging her.
NNG__Finally_by_FuyuHanabi_Ai.png 358x205(8KB) the twins-623 viewsit was on a base dont bitch. these are the main characters of the story, Hamsaki Yume(girl, blond) and Sasori(boy, brunette) they are the illegitimate(i think thats the right word) kids to my Oc Hamasaki Aiko and Deidara. Aiko hates her family and basically runs off and is found by Hidan and Kakuzu on a mission one day. she is taken into teh Akatsuki for a while. what she does in there is beyond me. i guess what happens is a one night thing between her and Deidara and she got pregnant. thus, these two live
Orihime.jpg 470x1024(45KB) Orihime-911 viewsdont ask about the name...Orihime is the oldest child of Lee and Tenten(cause its a cute couple)
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