0003cswk.jpg 621x1024(66KB) Bakuhatsu and Toushiro-5111 viewsok my RPC Kyoraku Bakuhatsu, is madly in love with childhoood friend, Hitsugaya Toushiro
this took about 40 minutes and is my fave out of all the manips ive done of these 2
000Bleachscan25.jpg 533x800(63KB) protecting the one you love-1351 viewsum yea finally finished this one. though it isnt very good
050814.jpg 340x281(18KB) Hitsugaya Jiro and Hinata-932 viewsJiro is the eldest and Hinata the second born
060523.jpg 400x350(28KB) 1035 viewsok so Baku and Ichiro again
062.jpg 640x480(23KB) festival-2386 viewsum okes so we have my RPC Kagome(new look), DJ(Torahimes RPC), Hisagi and the blue haired girl is Kagome's body guard(Bakuhatsu is over protective of her big sister and she has one of her squad memebers protect her). this is Torahimes Request by the way
1158209980731-Copy.png 1024x768(139KB) long lost twin-1700 viewswell yes, Bakuhatsu's long lost twin Ippuku(her storie is uber confusing)
1188424198868.jpg 479x589(52KB) Baku and Hisagi-2721 viewsNOT A COUPLE!!! they is just really good buds
133_animestockscom.jpg 640x480(30KB) forgiveness-1750 viewsEndo and Bakuhatsu. long story short: the two got into a huge fight and now Bakuhatsu is apologising
30.png 300x250(8KB) a quiet moment-1766 viewsToushiro and Bakuhatsu
48395782.jpg 426x599(45KB) my BLEACH RPCs-2224 viewswell the main ones from three different families. ok the boy is Watanabe Hiroko, soul survivor of his clan. then theres Kitchigo MOmoko, the youngest and most talented of her clan. and last is Kyoraku Bakuhatsu, we all know her
4c270qe.png 384x539(139KB) sexy back-2084 viewscause he so is
61.png 780x1024(370KB) Kitchigo Momoko-2284 viewsyet another RPC. shes Tamasines(Bakus little bro) age and has a crush on him
84.jpg 300x400(57KB) since the moment i first saw you....-1772 views.........i knew you were the one. how Toushiro felt about Bakuhatsu
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