justine.jpg 600x400(26KB) Justine-671 viewsDarkKittenXXX has forgotten her password so she is using my user to make her justine edits plz comment and she will resond like this
DKXXX: ______
i will respond like this
justine~3.jpg 640x480(34KB) Justine-621 viewsu c that lil dots on her hip well its a peircing she has her hip peirced
justine~4.jpg 640x447(27KB) plz comment-996 viewsJustine wants to get out of the hot spring because its too hot for her (u see her butterfly tattoo)
justine~5.jpg 143x424(12KB) Justine-108 viewsshe hates to fight and being a ninja shes a real shitty fucked up one too she just stands there doing her hair and make-up
justine~7.jpg 220x510(27KB) Justine-345 viewsshe got her lip peirced