022_256_mr_six.jpg 800x480(48KB) OMFG!-2956 viewsWhat the hell did Kishimoto do to Mr.Six Flags?!?!?!?!?!!
035_187.jpg 1184x540(36KB) Pic I is workin on-2069 views=w=
049_59.jpg 731x549(33KB) ^^-960 viewsUve wanted me to upload the original pic. SO here ya go! 8D
emo nin.jpg 640x480(20KB) An emo I edited. O.o-1294 viewsI didnt even try when I did this. >.> Have nothing else to say.......
Getsurei partners NOT DONE.png 1088x357(11KB) Geturei partners NOT DONE-1866 viewsI didn't get to finish cause I didnt get all the info, but I decided to post what I could. If I didnt put you, it was becuase I didnt get the info on what kind of Abilities/Jutsu they posses.
Getsurei Update AGAIN~0.jpg 2124x356(34KB) Getsurei Partners Update AGAIN-1581 viewsIf you in and don't have a partner. Tell meh please. ^^
Getsurei update.jpg 792x612(21KB) Getsurei Update-1151 viewsUwah~I beleieve we now have 13 members! If I didn't put your name in, I is sorry! Tell me and I'll put you in. And if you want to unjoin, tell meh! Yay!
Getsurei~0.jpg 2124x610(43KB) Updated-2312 viewsLast time Imma update this.
me!.jpg 234x351(36KB) OMG Its Meh!-2232 viewsUwah~Found a pic pic of me from December. It looks crappy cause it was really huge oriinally so I had to resize it on paint, which messed up the quality a bit. But I am proud to say I have lost weight since then! Yay me! *Gai pose*
mimi-chan.jpg 390x586(24KB) Mimi 8D-1957 viewsEdited like last year. XD I wanted to put a pic of her up though.
naruto_gaara0024.jpg 639x480(41KB) Failed DX-6864 viewsHe was going to be a RPC for grabs, but I dun like how he came out. He has no hope. DX Bu still. I wanted you to see. >.>
rg.jpg 638x478(38KB) Random-9164 viewsJust some guy I made. >w< I've been working on him for quite some time now. He has no officia outfit or name yet. I might put him up for grabs or keep him for myself. IDK yet. *huggles him* X3
Untitled.jpg 1280x1024(105KB) Conversation me and Kari are having-3801 viewsYesh KARI!!!! DX
Untitled~0.jpg 1280x1024(124KB) Conversation me and Bex are having XD-3461 viewsPookie loves you Ryuu! XD
Untitled~1.jpg 1280x1024(127KB) XD Me and Saikyo's conversation.-1768 viewsShe's an artist!
Untitled~6.jpg 1280x1024(125KB) Convo me and Kairi are having XD-1237 views
XD.jpg 1280x1024(112KB) Converstaion me and xX~.Forgiven-Nemo.~Xx are having.-3074 viewsXD
yep.jpg 1076x513(60KB) Partners-3025 viewsI tried my hand at making a partners pic pic. I wanna edit this one with Mi-chan! 8D
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