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AWWW why is she kissing his eye XD
XD cute Kim! XDD
aww how sweet
THX idk,maybe he's hurt
Yousuke: my left eye keeps twiching *twiching*
Daianna:let me kiss it 4 u,so it'll get better*kisses his left eye*
( I said left! ) Yousuke: huh *eye stops twiching* magic kisses...
(nope it's the right eye but who cares anyway*... Daianna:*hugs Yousuke*
Yousuke: *hugs back* Maro: *flips from tree* awww love Yousuke: IM GONNA SMACK YOU NEKO BOY Maro: REWO!! *runs* Yousuke: *Barks* *runs after*
Daianna:Yousuke-kun,Maro-kun stop!!
Maro: REWO!!! *hisses* Yousuke: *bites maros tail* Maro: REEEWOO!!
Daianna:STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Raven: Ah! Maro!
Maro: *falls on raven* ehh ello...Yousuke: *gets up from all fours* sorry
Daianna;..fighting is never the answer 2 anything..
Raven: O////O Hello there
Yousuke: *coughs* sorry Maro: < WAGS TAIL>
Daianna;*covers mouth*..oh no..i was mean and upset..that's not like me...i'm sorry
Yousuke: im sorryer
Daianna:...shut-up Yousuke...i mean..sorry,sorry,sorry...
Yousuke: no you shut-up daianna im really mean im sorry more then sorry can be
Yousuke: why do you always argee with me? i don't like that
Raven: <happy bark> yew too are so cute together!
Daianna:..ok..i mean..ehhhh...*falls on knees*..i'm such a loser with no life...
Yousuke: don't say that....im still getting use to the nice me..so i really don't know how to help you
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